Auctioning on WoW problem

25 Mar 2009
Hi all,
I have recentally started playing WoW and have entered Stormwind trade district where i found the auction house.
I thought I would have a go myself and listed some malachite on there.
After browsing other peoples item prices for the malachite, I decided my price was to high and hit the cancel auction button.
My problem is, that i have now lost the malachite, as it didn't go back into my storage. Is this normal??
I have read the strat guide and all it stated was that i would loss my deposit, but it didn't ask for one?

Any help and an explination on the ways of the auction house would be great.

Thanks in advance for your time and help ;)

17 May 2004
It'll go into your mailbox. Also, I really wouldn't worry about higher prices, as stuff sells pretty fast on busy servers regardless of the price. I'm fairly certain that as long as you didn't list your malachite for something silly like 25g (even that on some servers sells), it will easily sell as it is a low-level item and players levelling skills on secondary characters will be a lot happier to pay upwards of 10 - 15g for really low level things like gems and metal bars that they buy it at that price. It is easier for them to earn the money back from dailies at level 80 than it is to spend 15 - 20 minutes mining low-level nodes for a non-guaranteed drop like a gem. I sell Mithril bars for silly prices on the AH and they almost always sell. I also always list them at the same price despite there being lower prices of the same item on the AH at the time because it all gets bought and mine sells after those have been bought.
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