**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

13 Jun 2013
Hi all, anyone have any idea what these mini mountains/pyramids (look about an inch below the horizon) are that have appeared lmao? They are in the area local to where I live and are seemingly permanent, they pop up if the sim is restarted. 100% the area where I live is flat and they are a new addition as i've flew my area before in the sim and they weren't there. They've appeared nowhere else. How do I get rid? Is there a cache I can delete?
Can't embed the image so have provided link https://ibb.co/jwgDpTq
5 Oct 2009
Spalding, Lincs
Hi all, anyone have any idea what these mini mountains/pyramids (look about an inch below the horizon) are that have appeared lmao? They are in the area local to where I live and are seemingly permanent, they pop up if the sim is restarted. 100% the area where I live is flat and they are a new addition as i've flew my area before in the sim and they weren't there. They've appeared nowhere else. How do I get rid? Is there a cache I can delete?
Can't embed the image so have provided link https://ibb.co/jwgDpTq

It's a bug since the update: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/spikes-on-terrain-and-and-mesh-problems-global/338732
22 Apr 2003
I’ve used the oculus usage tool and it says I’m hovering around negative performance headroom of about -150%. That was all settings on the lowest they will go so I’m assuming in all my tinkering I’ve messed something up somewhere.
18 Feb 2007
I have a 3090 too. VR in the G2 is mind blowing. Combination of medium to high settings and it's very smooth everywhere except big cities. Reprojection is on as it really has to be. There is a bit of wobbliness every now and again but the experience is just so amazing you don't notice. I tried on my monitor after and even with ultra settings on the monitor I just found the whole experience, well just flat actually. Your flying in VR is also way better. The whole thing is just more natural. I have nearly 10,000 hours in the real Airbus 320. I couldn't fly it for ++++ in msfs on a monitor. In VR it was like being at bloody work! I could fly it and land it in a way I'm used to doing at work. I even tried on numerous occasions to put my left hand on the sidestick, as I would do at work, only to remember I fly with a yoke at home. Basically I'm trying to say that VR is really rather good. Don't dismiss it, especially not with your hardware.

Thanks for you comments - that's really helpful. I'll keep a very close eye on VR tech over the coming months ; I still have some hesitation surrounding maturity of the technology, but it's clearly improved since gen 1. Also, seems like the headsets are a little bit difficult to find at the moment - I'm not willing to pay scalpers. Can i ask why you went with the G2 vs. Oculus etc ?
13 May 2003
I had an interesting problem with Flight Simulator frequently crashing after my 3070 FE arrived and I overclocked it.

I put the card back to stock and it was still happening, so I did some trouble shooting and narrowed it down to my CPU overclock causing the crash at high and ultra settings.

It's a 3600 that was at 4.2 GHz all-core overclock, stock voltage and stock cooler. Dialled it back to 4.1 GHz and it's solid again. There were no other symptoms with no other applications having an issue with the CPU overclock, so I guess FS is a bit more picky.

Anyway if you're getting crashing and have overclocked your CPU, have a look in that direction!
22 Jan 2007
Thanks for you comments - that's really helpful. I'll keep a very close eye on VR tech over the coming months ; I still have some hesitation surrounding maturity of the technology, but it's clearly improved since gen 1. Also, seems like the headsets are a little bit difficult to find at the moment - I'm not willing to pay scalpers. Can i ask why you went with the G2 vs. Oculus etc ?

I had a G1 which was great but not really ever intended for gaming. Colours were a bit off and the tracking wasn't great at times due to two less cameras. Pre ordered the G2 straight away as it looked like it corrected most of the g1's shortcomings. Which it has indeed done. No regrets at all so far
Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
Good day today with my fresh peripherals arriving for my PC build; nice Logitech gaming keyboard and mouse but more importantly my X52 Pro HOTAS; this thing makes flight sim so much more enjoyable than using the Xbox controller!!

This game is beautiful when it wants to be!

20 Dec 2004
I've tried without overclocks, firmware updates, bios updates, different drivers. I can count on one hand the number of times I've successfully completed a multi-hour flight. I've spent more time trying to get the damn thing working with all my peripherals than I have flying.

Stupid bugs as well like the the sim freezing for several seconds whenever my bluetooth keyboard wakes up, which is pretty much whenever ATC chime in.

On the odd occasion it does work flawlessly, it's sublime....but then I come back to it after an update, and my binds are gone again, or something else is broken. In this case, I add some rudder pedals that make it 100% hard lock my PC within a few minutes of launching (with an ear-splitting audio buzz, for good measure).

No problems with my PC in any other titles (5820k, 32gb, 2070).

Anyway, I'll be completely upgrading my system next year when you can actually buy PC equipment again, hopefully it's patched up a bit more and the VR has made some progress by then!

Well, I caved in and had one more go.

Formatted my PC, fresh install. Used an older nVidia driver 457.xx.

Touch wood....

Just completed a couple of flights, with all my CH gear working perfectly. Been able to sort out all my bindings without a single crash.
21 Jan 2016
You can select snow cover in the weather menu - at low settings it will give patchy snow on hills etc.

Don’t know how well it is working automatically, I imagine it only shows snow if it is actively snowing or their biome says permanent snow that time of year.
22 Dec 2004
Rugeley, Staffs

Going steadily around the world.... sampling loads of different VATSIM Areas using 32NX

So far....
Gatwick to Napoli
Napoli to Cairo
Cairo to Dubai
Dubai to New Delhi
New Delhi to Bangkok
Currently flying Bangkok to Singapore
22 Apr 2003

Whenever I am playing in VR and have the oculus monitor displayed it shows I'm always in a negative performance headroom by over 100%! this is the same regardless of what settings I have.

I'm using the following equipment, render scale is set at 80 and openXR is set as 100%. I am using a mixture of medium to low settings on MSFS. Anyone have the same issue? Currently I am getting about 27fps, if I reduce render scale down to 50% and turn off Anti Aliasing in the sim I can achieve 40fps however I'm still in a negative performance headroom.

Quest 2 Headset
Ryzen 3600
32GB DDR4 Ram
RTX 3070
Sim install on SSD

Flicking back from VR fps goes to 70+ at 1440P in windowed mode.
24 Nov 2014
What sort of settings are people using in VR? I've got a 9900KS and an RTX 3090, using a quest 2. At 100% rendering scale i'm finding the instruments a little soft and blurry, turning the rendering scale up to around 130 makes it much better, but obviously it hammers FPS.

Does anyone have any advice for best settings? as it's amazing in VR :)
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