Muslims taking over britain?

18 Oct 2002
and maybe when we've taken over the country we'll put u all on the frontlines of wars like what u did to the indians through countless other wars!

ill tell u a little story.
2 years ago i went on holiday for a couple of weeks to jordan to meet some family. Upon my return i was stopped at passport control, my bags seized and escorted away by police. My bags were thoroughly searched. U wanna know what the first question i got asked in questioning. What mosque do i go to?! yup that was the question. He took one look at me and asked..... How ******* dare him! He didnt even have the decency to ask me if i was a muslim first of all.
And you wonder why we get angry when we are treated like crap!

Get over it, it happens to the rest of us also.
5 Jan 2005
South East, UK
BTW - for journalists working at the Sun is the pinnacle of their career. It's the top of the pile as far as journalists go. Not because their journalists print particularly accurate news btw. More because they are read by SO many ppl and they have to have a good pulse of the mood of society at any given time.
20 Apr 2004
Far far away....
The people sitting on the stage in that picture/video talk crap. Some of the people posting in this thread talk even bigger crap.

It's all crap.

What is awful is the people on that stage are sitting there vilifying the nation where they live and which provides them with the freedom to act as they please.

If you want an example of hypocrisy look no further than the people like Choudray and Bakri.

Abu Hamza even used the very laws that he wants to replace with his Islamic state to try and avoid an extradition order!
7 Nov 2004
and maybe when we've taken over the country we'll put u all on the frontlines of wars like what u did to the indians through countless other wars!

ill tell u a little story.
2 years ago i went on holiday for a couple of weeks to jordan to meet some family. Upon my return i was stopped at passport control, my bags seized and escorted away by police. My bags were thoroughly searched. U wanna know what the first question i got asked in questioning. What mosque do i go to?! yup that was the question. He took one look at me and asked..... How ******* dare him! He didnt even have the decency to ask me if i was a muslim first of all.
And you wonder why we get angry when we are treated like crap!

Everyone gets searched at the airport, hell I've been serached several times just for looking at the guards on the gates differently.

See the problem is, if he asked you if you where a muslim, you probably would have taken offense to that as well, or if not you, someone else certainly would have.

My mate got pulled away on our last holiday as well, to get strip searched, he has no record or anything...The only odd thing about him is the fact he looks like a Viking.

Yes, there are stereotypes, yes people get annoyed when being stereotyped (Even I get stereotyped, but not in the religious sense) but what do you expect people to do? Not check people? Not check peoples baggage? Not actually have a border control at airports?

This isn't a personal attack at you or anything, I'm just saying this in general to everyone :)
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
and maybe when we've taken over the country we'll put u all on the frontlines of wars like what u did to the indians through countless other wars!

Umm, you might want to get with the times there fella, didn’t this happen decades ago, long before most people on this forum were born I’d expect? Do you really think this is an applicable statement today? It seems to me personally, unlike what you see/read/hear about in ‘muslim’ or ‘arab’ countries, that times have changed here, and actions like this will not be tolerated in today’s modern society.

ill tell u a little story.
2 years ago i went on holiday for a couple of weeks to jordan to meet some family. Upon my return i was stopped at passport control, my bags seized and escorted away by police. My bags were thoroughly searched. U wanna know what the first question i got asked in questioning. What mosque do i go to?! yup that was the question. He took one look at me and asked..... How ******* dare him! He didnt even have the decency to ask me if i was a muslim first of all.
And you wonder why we get angry when we are treated like crap!

As others have said, customs often do this, it’s not a personal attack on you, and it is their job! The fact you seem to hold such a grudge over the event now, seems to bolster my opinion that people such as yourself are unwilling to become part of society – from your little story you seem view yourself as different, maybe even special (hence customs having the audacity to question you), and that to me seems like a mindset that will never be able to integrate. I guess the same could be said about the chav scourge.

Sorry if you think I’m anti-anyone-but-British or something, I’m not, but with all the crap going on in the world at the moment, constantly hearing about religious nut jobs complaining or scheming to do more evil, just does my head in.

21 Jan 2007
It doesn't matter whether you're white black or asian, what religion you follow or how much money you earn. If you're an extremist you deserve to be shot.
30 Jun 2007
I came close to death and spent a week in hospital recovering from a severe blood clot in my leg.

On my ward, there was a muslim patient of turkish origin who spent the entire week dedicating himself to helping others around him (fluffing pillows, calling the nurse in an emergency, getting glasses of water, putting a genuine smile on people's faces). All this whilst heavily breathing himself through a plastic jar connected to the outside of his chest.

In that time I saw through the crap the trash 'news reporting' this country spouts at us, and have seen that good and bad exists not in religion, but in people themselves.

How do you know he was Muslim:confused:?
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