Which portable device allows wi-fi network music streaming?

15 Jun 2005
I am looking for a portable device which will allow me to stream music from Media Center (i.e. UPnP Windows Media Connect) via my wi-fi network. Currently I am using an IPAQ Pocket PC with the Pocket Player software, however it is a little temperamental and the sound quality isn't that great. So I am looking for something dedicated to the job.

The Sony Walkman X-Series looks nice but although it has wi-fi I don't think it supports UPnP streaming.

I understand the larger Archos devices work very well as wi-fi streaming devices, however they are a little bit of an overkill purely for music.

The Creative Zen X-Fi will stream over wi-fi but I have heard it is a bit clunky. Also this model is being replaced by the Zen X-Fi2 which no longer has wi-fi.

Do you have any other recommendations?
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