New build or iMac for my dad?

29 Sep 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi all

My dad has ageing Pentium Dual Core PC which is getting slower and slower. I'd like to do something about this. His requirements are fairly basic as all he does with the computer is browse, email, photos and scanning. I've had a bit of a think about it and there are essentially 3 things I can do:

1) Reinstall Windows 7 but leave the hardware exactly as it is.

2) Buy some new hardware (mobo, CPU, RAM, SSD) and reinstall Windows 7.

3) Buy a 21" iMac.

Number 1 appeals because it is the cheapest at zero cost. However, over time, it'll get back to being as slow as it is now.

Number 2 appeals because it'll basically be a faster version of what he has now. However, it means the oldish monitor and yards of cabling would remain.

Number 3 appeals because it would get rid of nearly all the cable clutter. I also think iPhoto would be a great way for my dad to organise his photos. However, the cost is the most expensive, and there'd be a learning curve.

There are additional + and - to each option, but these are the main ones I can think of.

Has anyone got any thoughts? What would you do?


30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
If your dad is anywhere near the aptitude of my mum I'd say rebuild his PC with Ubuntu. She only uses it for web browsing and emails. Nothing to go wrong with it and everything she needs (browser, word processor, picture viewer and video player) built in.

Goes like stink too
30 Oct 2010
Sunny Scotland
Option 2 would be approximately £260 (Core i3, 4GB ram, mobo, 64GB SSD).

Then there's a massive step up to the £879 for the iMac.


Besides, how do you know he'll like the mac OS? i bought a mac couple years ago, wanted to see what the fuss was about. Gave it a good 4 months, but in the end i found i was trying to make myself like it because i spent so much money on one. Sold it and went back to my pc.

Not sure whats all involved but how about the best of both worlds and make a hackintosh?
11 Jul 2007
I went the macbook route with my Mum, thinking it would be all intuitive and easy to use for her. If your dad is anything like as technologically impaired would advise against it tbh, too much of a learning curve if they are already used to windows.

She likes iPhoto but it doesn't integrate well with Google Picasa online albums. Couldn't get her used to Openoffice (mainly the file formats, she was always forgetting to save as microsoft compatible and causing issues when she sent documents to other people) and Office for Mac is slower than office for Windows. Trying to use the macbook with a non-apple uk usb keyboard is way more hassle than it should be but I refuse to pay through the nose for an official one. Had issues with her buying some PC only software down the line so i've ended up having to run parallels on it anyway which is another layer of complication.

On the upside, backups are painless with Time Machine and there's been no malware issues, but overall if I was to do it again I'd save the extra expense and hassle and build a PC.
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15 Oct 2005
I'd go the iMac route, old dads generally just want to browse the web, send mail and do a bit of word processing. The Mac is perfect for that BUT realistically way more expensive than Option 2 so, heart says iMac, head says cheap Athlon re-build - you could build a new speedy rig for peanuts (and have fun speccing and building it for him!).

Wouldn't say Linux, its a pretty toss desktop OS when compared to Win 7 or OSX and better suited to advanced users who wish to tinker or run a box as a server (before the Linux brigade chime in, i've got any number of Linux VM's of different flavours running here for testing and the thought of using one as my main 'working' desktop OS sends a shiver down my spine, bleeargh). There's a learning curve for Linux and an oldie who isn't an enhusiast wouldn't have the interest to learn it IMO. OSX is a bit friendlier for a newbie or casual computer user.
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29 Sep 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
by oldish, do you mean a CRT monitor?
and by cabling, do you mean inside or outside the case, because a modular PSU could help with that :)

Actually no it's a 20" Dell TFT and it's actually perfectly servicable (it's the 2001FP) but it looks pretty dull and everything seems really tiny on it. And by cabling I meant externally. It would be so nice to get rid of a lot of it!

If your dad is anywhere near the aptitude of my mum I'd say rebuild his PC with Ubuntu

Sorry I did forget to mention that he does need Office too, so it's Windows or OSX only. And my mum needs Publisher so that would require a Windows installation on the Mac anyway so that she has access to that.

Win 7 or iOS

Freudian slip much?! I had to be careful when typing OSX above as I nearly put iOS too. Just goes to show which way we're heading!
15 Oct 2005
Freudian slip much?! I had to be careful when typing OSX above as I nearly put iOS too.

lol, had to edit mine for the same reason. Think thats what Apple want us to do as they slowy phase out the desktop OS and slip iOS in its place gradually.
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