** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

12 Mar 2008
I agree with others in that they can't do any worse and I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope despite it being in Disney's hands. I was annoyed when I first heard it went to Disney although it has effectively been there for a long time. Here's hoping they care more about what the fans think than Lucas did.

I do hope they turn the NJO books into films or a big budget series although I suspect it's simply too large and dark a task for their tastes. I loved the Thrawn trilogy at the time although it was more due to continuing the story. I personally think there's better stories out there and I wouldn't be too bothered about them having a crack at a different continuation from RotJ. As long as we see X-wings, TIE fighters, Stormtroopers, Star Destroyers, space battles where you actually care about what's going on and all the good stuff that helped define the feel of Star Wars then I'm willing to forgive quite a lot.

On the books front I hope they don't control that too much. What happened to Karen Traviss' vision of Mandalorian culture being canned due to conflicting with the cartoon should never have been allowed to happen. I hope something good happens soon as The Fate of the Jedi series just seemed lacking on all fronts compared to previous series. It should have been epic but it just felt poor. Perhaps I'm alone in thinking that though.

Does anyone know if the sale included Lucas Arts as well? Disney said there was a lot of pent up demand for new Star Wars films and I hope they also understand there's more than pent up demand for a new X-Wing game. Hear me Disney!
7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
"Peesa is a lie, der is only pashun,
Thru pashun, I be gaining sterength,
Thru strength, meesa gaining powah,
Thru powah, meesa getting victory,
Thru victory, meesa chains are broekn,"
14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
Now even if they aren't current and they are ball park Disney won't give a flying hoot about anything as they know SW is a cash cow, I do hope you're wrong.

Yeah, I know that's how it looks. But nobody has a good word to say about the PT, despite the money it made. I am very hopeful that they're thinking "monies!" closely followed by "....but let's make something good cos the PT generated a lot of bad feeling".
10 Aug 2006
Yeah, I know that's how it looks. But nobody has a good word to say about the PT, despite the money it made. I am very hopeful that they're thinking "monies!" closely followed by "....but let's make something good cos the PT generated a lot of bad feeling".

Actually, you'd be surprised to know that there are a lot of die hard fans of Star Wars who actually rate the PT higher than the OT. There was an epic flame fest on the blu-ray.com website just before the blu-rays came out, where people were arguing over which trilogy was the strongest. It was surprising how many people who were old enough to have seen the OT when it was first released, saying that they prefer the PT, on the merit that they were 'deeper' and had 'hidden' meanings within the stories. Quite a few people wrote essay long posts on reasons why the OT was pure popcorn flicks with 'kiddy' stories and that the PT were more mature adult themes. :rolleyes:
9 Mar 2006
I don't think the OT and PT are as far apart as people make out, there is a ridiculous amount of nostalgia having an effect.

They are both ridiculously cheesy and flawed trilogies. The weakest thing about Star Wars is the films imo, there is so much more in the expanded universe (books and games in particular, comics I haven't read)
7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
I don't think the OT and PT are as far apart as people make out, there is a ridiculous amount of nostalgia having an effect.

They are both ridiculously cheesy and flawed trilogies. The weakest thing about Star Wars is the films imo, there is so much more in the expanded universe (books and games in particular, comics I haven't read)

Have to agree. With some its almost as if saying anything against the OT, or for the PT is a personal insult. I guess they got so into it, and loved the movies so much, its like having their youth taken from them.

Yes they are cheesy, but I love em :D
9 May 2005
On the books front I hope they don't control that too much. What happened to Karen Traviss' vision of Mandalorian culture being canned due to conflicting with the cartoon should never have been allowed to happen. I hope something good happens soon as The Fate of the Jedi series just seemed lacking on all fronts compared to previous series. It should have been epic but it just felt poor. Perhaps I'm alone in thinking that though.

Does anyone know if the sale included Lucas Arts as well? Disney said there was a lot of pent up demand for new Star Wars films and I hope they also understand there's more than pent up demand for a new X-Wing game. Hear me Disney!

Sod that, just give me battlefront 3. Cod with a Star Wars skin.

I think I may have enjoyed the fate series because I audio booked the lot to catch up with books I hadn't read. The narrator is excellent and kept me glued to it. I pretty much audio book then all now if unabridged.

Red harvest was odd, considering death troopers now. Notice the blane set has just come out on audio book. I might go through that again :)
10 Aug 2006
I don't think the OT and PT are as far apart as people make out, there is a ridiculous amount of nostalgia having an effect.

They are both ridiculously cheesy and flawed trilogies. The weakest thing about Star Wars is the films imo, there is so much more in the expanded universe (books and games in particular, comics I haven't read)

While I do agree, the PT in general was quite poor. Adding in the fact the poor decisions to shoot on 1st generation HD digital cameras, using CGI effects that were notably poor *cough* Attack of the Clones *cough*, as well as miscasting certain characters such as Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker (who was particularly poor until Episode 3 where he had matured slightly into a better actor) and the awful, awful dialogue, as Lucas decided to pen it alone without help, unlike in the OT, all this and more made them very hard to watch compared to the OT and enjoy with the same magic in my opinion. Not only that, but Lucas is actually a very average Director and his stories/films are done best when he is either writing the story and/or involved as creative consultant. He is a much better story teller than he is director, but even then with that he sometimes needs help.
9 May 2005
I don't think the OT and PT are as far apart as people make out, there is a ridiculous amount of nostalgia having an effect.

Totally agree, every father I talk to says their son prefers the newer trilogy. These are kids the same age as when most of us got the original three. Personally I think revenge of the sith is as good as the original three but the first two are so bad. Watch some of the behind the scenes with Lucas directing Hayden and he practically has to guide him through blinking and breathing, where Ewan nails obi wan.
10 Aug 2006
Watch some of the behind the scenes with Lucas directing Hayden and he practically has to guide him through blinking and breathing, where Ewan nails obi wan.

This is an example of what I was trying to say with Lucas being a very average director. He cannot direct people into giving very good performances, he simply asks for "faster" or "more intense". Unless the actors have the acting chops to make something out of nothing, then they are going to struggle quite badly to convey the right emotion, and sadly that it is what separated Hayden and Ewan in their performances.
7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
Totally agree, every father I talk to says their son prefers the newer trilogy. These are kids the same age as when most of us got the original three. Personally I think revenge of the sith is as good as the original three but the first two are so bad. Watch some of the behind the scenes with Lucas directing Hayden and he practically has to guide him through blinking and breathing, where Ewan nails obi wan.

A veteran actor did better than the new guy? Shocker.
27 Jan 2005
Interesting interview with Hamil:http://insidemovies.ew.com/2012/10/31/mark-hamill-star-wars-episode-vii-disney/

Sounds like he and Fisher had talks with Lucas about this year?

So it's at least a year in development of sorts, possibly longer.

We have no idea how much development has gone into it, the terms of the deal and so on.

If they want a 2015 release then surely they have to start shooting by this time next year at the latest.

People say they're old, but that's what happens to people as we age, lol. I have no problem seeing an Older Luke or Leia. We had an old guy in the originals and he was awesome, and we had an old guy kick ass in the prequels.
9 Mar 2006
People say they're old, but that's what happens to people as we age, lol. I have no problem seeing an Older Luke or Leia. We had an old guy in the originals and he was awesome, and we had an old guy kick ass in the prequels.


I think the issue people have is they're too old to continue the story if they're following the EU. They'd have to miss huge chunks of the story
15 Nov 2004
Why? This is the best news ever! It simply cannot be worse then what that utter **** did to the Star Wars films.

Episode 1, 2 & 3 were garbage, The 4,5 & 6 were awesome!

I can't see Disney doing any better. Although I do like some of the things Disney produce. I just can't see it being any good at all.

I'll eat my hat though if they do anything worthwhile.
9 May 2005
A veteran actor did better than the new guy? Shocker.

That's the point I was making, Hayden was so badly cast and put up against someone who would highlight how out of his depth he was. He literally had to be directed on every thing. Where Mcgregor learnt every thing he could about Obi Wan and delivered the best he could with blue screen filming.

Then again as secret window says I don't think Lucas is a good director which certainly couldn't have helped the new kid.
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