Paying less tax

3 Jul 2005
Dear GD, I want to set up a business and take as much money from my community as possible whilst paying as little back into it as I can.

Woop, we have a bite!

Sole reason, this government and most governments disgust me. I am going to limit the amount of money I contribute to wars and shoddy healthcare systems as much as I can.
5 Aug 2006
This thread should not be an argument about why the OP should pay more tax.
Government rules are set out on taxation and it is up to the general public to work those rules as best they can. We aren't talking about doing jobs 'on the back hand' and missing VAT, we are simply discussing how to work out the taxes as best as possible.
18 Oct 2002
This thread should not be an argument about why the OP should pay more tax.
Government rules are set out on taxation and it is up to the general public to work those rules as best they can. We aren't talking about doing jobs 'on the back hand' and missing VAT, we are simply discussing how to work out the taxes as best as possible.

Quite, but every time we have these threads there are always those amongst us that assume we are tax dodgers and should feel guilty that other people weren't blessed with enough common sense to do the same.

Probably be some PAYE moaning soon too...
8 Mar 2007
Sole reason, this government and most governments disgust me. I am going to limit the amount of money I contribute to wars and shoddy healthcare systems as much as I can.

Ahh the old "I don't want to pay tax because I don't agree with how it's spent" argument. Firstly, if everyone did that no one would pay anything as most people are anti-current government, secondly you say you hate the government but seem perfectly happy to use and exploit all the tax loop holes they provide.

So if, let's just say your perfect political party get in, are you going to ring up your accountant and tell him to cancel the myriad of schemes he'll no doubtably create for you to exploit? No, thought not.
8 Mar 2007
This thread should not be an argument about why the OP should pay more tax.
Government rules are set out on taxation and it is up to the general public to work those rules as best they can. We aren't talking about doing jobs 'on the back hand' and missing VAT, we are simply discussing how to work out the taxes as best as possible.

Right then why all the need for the 'wink' emoticons if what is being planned isn't at least dubious?
23 Dec 2009
RG8 9
ring up your accountant and tell him to cancel the myriad of schemes he'll no doubtably create for you to exploit? No, thought not.

Accountants do not 'create' schemes. They use their skill and knowledge to work with what is allowed to the benefit of the client. The rules are there to be worked with.

Now if that allows someone to build a business, that they have created, then what is the problem?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
This thread should not be an argument about why the OP should pay more tax.
Government rules are set out on taxation and it is up to the general public to work those rules as best they can. We aren't talking about doing jobs 'on the back hand' and missing VAT, we are simply discussing how to work out the taxes as best as possible.

I think there is a morality aspect to it also and will judge somewhat based on that.
3 Jul 2005
Quite, but every time we have these threads there are always those amongst us that assume we are tax dodgers and should feel guilty that other people weren't blessed with enough common sense to do the same.

Probably be some PAYE moaning soon too...

Well I'm not sure about you, but I was expecting an argument, and actually looking forward to one, so damn you for giving me some good advice!

Ahh the old "I don't want to pay tax because I don't agree with how it's spent" argument. Firstly, if everyone did that no one would pay anything as most people are anti-current government, secondly you say you hate the government but seem perfectly happy to use and exploit all the tax loop holes they provide.

So if, let's just say your perfect political party get in, are you going to ring up your accountant and tell him to cancel the myriad of schemes he'll no doubtably create for you to exploit? No, thought not.

If everyone did that, then the money that is currently spent on wars, and other uneccesary areas would not be available, so spending would have to be directed at the ACTUAL areas where they are needed if that government wanted to keep power.

Of course I would be happy to use that loophole, they are there aren't they (?!)

If my perfect political party came in, then of course I would pay them tax as their tax rate would be 'perfect'.
8 Mar 2007
Accountants do not 'create' schemes. They use their skill and knowledge to work with what is allowed to the benefit of the client. The rules are there to be worked with.

They don't create schemes? Well no government came up with the 'K2 Wealth Management' scheme that Jimmy Carr and other exploited.

Here is exactly how accountants used their skills and knowledge on that one...

*UK earners 'quit' their job

* They then sign new employment contracts with offshore shell companies

* The offshore companies 'rehire' their new employee to the UK but take their earnings

* The offshore company pays the employee a much lower salary each month, but 'loans' them several thousand pounds

* These loans can be written down as tax liabilities, thus substantially reducing tax payable to the Government

If that isn't a scheme then I don't know what is.
23 Dec 2009
RG8 9
They don't create schemes? Well no government came up with the 'K2 Wealth Management' scheme that Jimmy Carr and other exploited.

I'm not talking about these schemes that a few very rich and some famous people used, I am talking about the average self-employed man on the street. The normal person that wants to set up a business and be as tax efficient as they are allowed to be. The people that we need to help keep the economy afloat and to possibly employ others.
6 Sep 2005
Absolutely no disagreement there. I think most of them are large corporate accountants :D

Actually they're not, most are boutique firms specialising in this type of thing. The major firms have lost a lot of appetite for this type of thing in the last decade.
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