how hard is it to create a website ?

18 Oct 2002
Never heard anything about web scraping being illegal, some sites don't like it and if it's a lot of info and badly coded it can appear like a DDOS attack though. I've written a few in Python, always great fun as I do it all from scratch instead of using prebuilt packages.

OP, what are you looking at comparing? It may be easier to pull the info then store it on your on DBase so you don't have to go off trawling for it each time.

Some websites won't like it because they will appear more expensive. They will detect the scraping script from things like timing behavior and will block the IP.
6 Dec 2006
West Yorkshire
Purchase a cpanel package from vidahost and install joomla 3.

Joomla has its own dedicated forum and extensions and module directory to pretty much plug and play a website. Very easy and quite professional looking when done right, thats the best easiest and fastest way to get a website up and running with minimal effort, the hardest part is sussing it all out but i learn from nothing and have quite a big website running at the moment.

Ive ran a few over the years using joomla.
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