Show us your kitty cats

15 Sep 2006
heres some pics of my furry pals :)

dougal is so furry and awesome natured

his brother is also furry but more snappy natured

my sis had a baby and were also looking after her red tabby as well, he pees on any thing soft so were looking after him now as he would pee all over the babies stuff :)

3 cats in the house all male lol

edit: bonus pic a wee female cat that used to live here but she moved out with her owner :)

Last edited:
14 Nov 2007
In the Land of Grey and Pink
5 Aug 2013
Just spent a week deleting loads of pictures and came across this lovely cat.

This is Wilton (or was) We had a renter and one day he came wondering round - I saw him go along side of my car and called him but he ignored me so went along the other side to him and he jumped out of his skin - That was when I realised he was stone deaf.
So he made himself at home although he only lived three doors away - two days later a knock on door -Have you seen a long haired grey cat - Come in to kitchen and pointed down garden is that him. - I waved my arms and he came running - The owner took him home and 20 min later he was back.
I found out then that this bloke had grandkids and when they came they played with the cat but unfortunately when cat was asleep they jumped on him(not literally) so he shot up and lashed out so the guy kicked the cat out.

We kept feeding him and let him come in and he slept on top step of stairs but we put him out at night.


There was one big problem though - He had very long fur and it was knotted and I mean knotted and they never took him in to be groomed - it was so bad the fur on his left front leg was knotted with fur on his left back leg and it forced him to walk curved.


So one day after evening meal the wife picked him up I started to cut the huge balls of fur off him - only did a bit each day until he looked like the picture - Poor thing looked scraggy but he was a softie - When we moved we did contemplate asking if we could take him but our new place was on a small road but had tractors most of the day.
Months after the estate agent kept ringing me to ask if it was our cat and kept telling her it was owned by house three doors down,
We have always felt guilty leaving him behind but he was safe on the little cul-d -sac he was in.


PS - We named him Wilton because he looked like a shaggy rug
5 Aug 2013

Cats are cute but by hell they can be expensive - We had two cats for 18 yrs and they cost just a few quid in vet bills - Today we had to take Holly to vet again and that was just £100 on top of the normal charge and she has to go back again tomorrow. She is now worth more than a bar of gold.
She is a lovely cat though.
12 Dec 2003
Roary is now fully settled back in to ours. He only goes out for an hour and then he's called back in/makes his own way in through the cat stairway up the back of the house, then proceeds to do this all day...

P4vzddH.jpg xrUg1mH.jpg

More than happy. Also now not had to wipe down walls, or wash curtains and blinds for almost a month now as he's actually using the litter tray.

Amazing how outside factors can alter a cats behaviour, but they can be woo'd back if the effort is put in and the interference stops.
15 Sep 2006
Roary is now fully settled back in to ours. He only goes out for an hour and then he's called back in/makes his own way in through the cat stairway up the back of the house, then proceeds to do this all day...

P4vzddH.jpg xrUg1mH.jpg

More than happy. Also now not had to wipe down walls, or wash curtains and blinds for almost a month now as he's actually using the litter tray.

Amazing how outside factors can alter a cats behaviour, but they can be woo'd back if the effort is put in and the interference stops.

aww so cute, love the pic of both.

if my sisters cat ever got loose a wee don't feed tag would be awesome like ur black and white one has, think my sisters cat is the last out of the litter, they all had health problems (my sis got 2 of them, one died) and the one were looking after cant even get dreamies.

we must have spent over a thousand pound easy on my sisters cats, but we love cats so meh cost is no object :)
12 Dec 2003
He still comes back time to time to cough up biscuits he's pilfered. The other day Gary (b&w) came back with a demi-baguette :/

We did have a big problem with puking after feeding time until it was figured out that anything containing beef causes him to regurgitate. Although I reckon it's a good idea anyway to deter neighbors from feeding due to the issues that introduces.
12 Dec 2003
Roary? No. It was because his breeder given name was pathetic (I will not share) so had to come up with something better but sound similar phonetically.

Gary is named after Gary Goodspeed though and steals cookies all the time.

Avec Dino though. Blast from the prehistoric past.
Man of Honour
12 Jul 2005
Aberlour, NE Scotland
Another update about Garfield that I meant to post last week but I have been so busy I completely forgot.

He was booked into the vets last Tuesday to be "fixed up". His teeth were so bad they had to put him under and while he was under they would sort out the matting in his coat that he wouldn't let me do. We agreed that the vet would run some blood and urine tests as well seeing as he had been "roughing it" for so long and hadn't been to the vets for so long. Basically I gave them a blank cheque as I said anything he needs doing just do it. I was so nervous as he is fairly old (somewhere between 12 1/2 and 15 years old) so there is more risk. After I dropped him off I went home and every time the phone rang I was shaking when I answered. I finally got a call from the vets at 16.30 saying that he was fine but still not fully awake so I could pick him up in a hour or so. Went to the vets to pick him up at 17.45 and the vet who worked on him (been seeing the same chap since the begining so that's very good) took me into the consultation room to have a chat and see Garfield. He let him out of his cage and what a difference!! He looks like a well loved cat again. The vet found nothing in the blood and urine tests so his major organs are fine. When he descaled Garfields teeth he found that he had a abcess as well and that tooth actually fell out. Poor Garfy. What a difference though, his smelly breath was gone. The vet explained that his coat was so matted in some places that they had no option but to shave him so he has a few bald spots until they grow back. He said he had never seen a cat with teeth and coat so bad. Like I told him, Garfield now has a loving home and will be wanting for nothing, just like my other two and he will never be in such a state again. He told me that he couldn't find any other problems with him and that his teeth will probably be tender for a couple of days so soft food would be advisable. It just so happens that Garfield loves Gourmet Melting Heart and that we bought him a box anticipating his teeth being sore. He was to be on a painkiller for three days and antibiotics for 10 days so gave me a bottle of each. I thanked him very much, got Garfield back into his carry case and went to reception to settle up.

I then got the biggest vets bill I have ever had at £366 bringing the total so far to £432 with another trip to the vets on the 19th for his second booster. It may seem like a lot but I still don't care about the money. It's not that I am flush with cash, far from it in fact, it's that I have known Garfield for quite some time now and he is a gorgeous cat with such a gentle, affectionate temperment and has worked his way into my heart. It was heartbreaking seeing him out in all weathers because of a owner that couldn't care less about him and his poorly paw was the final straw and I had to do something. He is so gorgeous and deserved better than the little myself and my neighbour could do for him as things stood. He now has a loving home, has been "fixed up" and is safe and warm. He has settled in nicely although since the trip to the vets he hated me and wouldn't come near me apart from for food but he is coming around again now, I just need to earn his trust again. At first it was human male slave=bad, human female slave=good but I think I have moved up a little to human male slave=not too bad as he has started to settle on my lap again. He will come around and realise it was all for his own good as he can eat and clean himself properly now. I love my cats to bits and there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep them safe and well. Like my wife says, they are all part of our little family. Here is a customary shot of Garfield sitting on the sofa wondering what I am pointing at him.

Man of Honour
12 Jul 2005
Aberlour, NE Scotland
Anybody have any ideas on how to train him to come in through the cat flap? He can go out with no problems as he uses his paw to push it open but as it's a microchip flap (this one) he has to stick his head in the tunnel to unlock it before he can use his paw or head to open it. In the Amazon link the main picture is the inside so it's nice and easy to open. If you click on the second picture you will see that there is a shroud/tunnel on the outside and the sensor is in the top of the shroud/tunnel so he needs to stick his head in there to unlock it. Unfortunately he is just trying to use his paw the same way as he does to go out meaning that once he's out he's stuck outside until someone lets him in again. Luckily I am here with them most of the time so it's not a problem but we do go to town once a week and it's turned cold again so I don't want him stuck outside. Night time isn't a problem as he stays in the house. I could lock it but he would just beat his paws against the flap trying to get out and he opened his paw back up last week doing that. I have made some progress and it may just be the case that it will take some time for him to get used to it. I used to let him in through the back door but in a attempt to train him have been making him come through the flap. At first he tries to open it with his paws but then he see's me and sticks his head in the tunnel and it unlocks allowing me to open the flap inwards a little and then he pushes it open the rest of the way as he comes in. If I leave him to it he takes his head out and after a couple of seconds tries again with his paws by which time the flap has locked again. For some reason he won't push it with his head from fully closed. The magnet is quite strong but it's not overly strong and you only have to move the flap a little to break the contact and my other two took to it quickly. I gues this is going to be one of those things that just takes time and patience.

I sat on the sofa last night to read a text message I had just recieved and he jumped onto my lap for cuddles. He ended up curling into a ball with me stroking him, he was purring his head off and went to sleep shortly followed by me. The next thing I knew was the wife waking me up as it was bed time!! His loud purring is so relaxing. :)
11 Nov 2009
Some cats just take longer, I disabled the microchip lock until Millie had got used to coming and going, it did involve taping down the catches but she soon got used to using it, though in fairness if she can see me through the cat flap then she feels that it only right that I should open the front door for her.
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