**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

10 Mar 2012
Hey guys,

I have been on what i presume is the loading screen with a nice blue bar slowly moving left to right for around 30mins now.

Is this normal ha ha!!

First time launching the sim.

How fast is your interent? And how much is using when loading, most loads are internet dependent.
17 Apr 2009
I'm on attempt number 3 to get this working.

First time out, I could get to the big world map screen. But the game would crash when loading the next bit. Tried updating my graphics drivers, running as admin, etc. and nothing worked. Reinstalled overnight.

Second go. This time, I get an infinite loading screen immediately on opening the game. Again, nothing would fix it.

Went with the nuclear option; full Windows reinstall. Was having some GPU issues that DDU wasn't fixing anyway. But another 90GB+ download plus having to reinstall everything else (real shame Windows Store and Epic games can't be carried over between installs; that's a good Terrabyte of data I need to redownload). My GPU issues appear to be fixed. Fingers crossed Flight Sim works once the 3-4 hour install is finished... :rolleyes:
25 May 2013
I can't get the brakes off. I plugin a PS4 controller, and with/without DS4 windows the Y+B buttons (triangle and circle on PS4) dont disengage brakes, I'll try my xbox pad.
18 Feb 2006
Anyone got issues with the flight surfaces not recentering? This is making it impossible to fly as you get a yo-yo affect very quickly.

Any ideas on this? If I turn left the flight surfaces will remain in that position until I turn right. The calibration does go back to centre but not the flight surfaces in game.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
As a flight/world Sim, its pretty impressive. In some places it looks phenomenal, in other places (sadly the very places that I would want to see, the out of reach, remote places of the world that I wont have the opportunity to see in real life) it looks very bad. Its probably one of the best iterations of MS Flight Sim that I've seen and I can easily see a flight sim buff spending thousands and thousands of ££s on this. At the moment I am in the honeymoon period of "ooh, lets fly over place X where we went on holiday" and "ooh, lets fly over my house, my workplace" and so on, but as I am not a flight sim buff I suspect that once the novelty of seeing those places has worn off I probably wont touch it again. For buffs though, I imagine its going to keep them going for many many years and many many purchases
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