Your most memorable moments in gaming

4 Dec 2009
Playing in one of the early builds of WoW as a gnome and I left coldridge valley for the first time through that tunnel wondering what I would see. I looked at all the new scenery and then checked out the map and realised how big the game world was. This same feeling happened in Fallout 3 when leaving the vault for the first time. I still get this while playing skyrim and you come out of a dungeon and look across the mountains and you can see all sorts of buildings, spires and caves on other mountains in the fog and know that you can hike over there an explore them.

Half Life Opposing force - all the references to freeman while playing this were just great story telling.
Half Life 2 Ravenholme - Again great.

Resident evil 1 on a Ps1. The first licker scene when it runs down the window. proper brown trousers moment.

Mass effect 2 - That final mission when you get it right, having all the pieces in place and making all the right tactical decisions.

Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Super Duper Ninja Edition - The entire game. Its a bit clunky now and the story has a few weak points but over all this is still the benchmark for a single player storytelling RPG with a great soundtrack.

Planetside 1. When you realise it had no PVE at all. Everyone in game was a real player. Logistic, planning, coordination and teamwork mattered. Planetside 2 is fun to play but nowhere near as good and favours solo players too much.

Midnight Resistance - Spectrum 128k- Completing the game to find that the end screen is just a big advert telling you not to do drugs.

The first call of duty. That bridge level with the slow camera. Great stuff.

the first Command and Conquer. That interlaced FMV and banging soundtrack. Game changer.

Robocop 1 Spectrum 128k - Sitting through a 10 minute loading screen just to listen to the theme tune (repeatedly). This machine had a great audio chip that wasnt really used to its full capabilities.
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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Nothing will top playing on stage for a 128 person street fighter IV tournament, fighting for a top 8 placement with one of the worst characters in the game with a crowd of 500 cheering me on!

A distant second is when I killed a guy with a rocket launcher who was riding a mongoose (quad bike) in halo 3, and sent his vehicle flying ridiculously high above the map. He respawned at the other side of the map only to have his mongoose land on him just as he spawned and kill him again.

Single player games can never compare as the awesome moments are often scripted or engineered to happen.
27 Mar 2006
Feb 1981 (aged 10) playing Space Invaders on the Atari 2600 vcs. Several games Impressed me because I could play at home on the Atari VCS (Missle Command, Warlords, Super Cobra, Joust & Vanguard to name a few) Several games on the Mega drive & Snes (SF2, Mario Kart, Desert Storm, Thunder force III, StarFox) . Ridge Racer on the PS1. Nothing got me again until the PC years from 1995. One I do remember playing way too much was Mechwarrior, Voodoo boosted games like Quake II and Forsaken.
Obviously Unreal, Half-Life 1&2 were up there along with early C&C games. Bioshock was great but sadly this was the last game I completed. Now I want and play and after I've seen it the urge dies, quickly. Maybe it's my age now.
27 Oct 2011
Being about 5 or 6 in the mid 70's and playing what I now know to be Hamurabi with my father's secretary. Not knowing what a bushel was I asked my mum who wanted to know where I got that from and me telling her the computer told me.

Playing Duke Nukem 3d via null modem cable with my brother.

Tomahawk helicopter flight sim on the spectrum. I would play for hours and hours.

The GTA V trailer.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
The first time facing a Cyberdemon in the original Doom, I crapped my pants at the sound of the footsteps.

All of ChronoTrigger.

The intro cinematic to Quake 2.

Experiencing the time-jumps in Space Quest 4, especially re-visiting Space Quest 1 :D

Protoss ending cinematic for Starcraft.

Finding all the easter eggs in Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail.

FFX boat battle against Sin.

Getting to Darkshore in WoW vanilla (my first ever MMO).

Just riding around at night in GTA Vice City listening to all the 80s radio goodness.

Psychonauts Goggalor level.

The first 30 or so minutes of Crysis.

Mass Effect 1 ending.

My entire first playthrough of Borderlands 2, holy crap that was amazing.

The reveal in Bioshock Infinite, actually blew my mind.

All of The Wolf Among Us.
6 May 2009
Oh wait, seeing mention of Call of Duty above...

How could I have forgotten the Stalingrad level in CoD2!

COD 1 and 2 where fantastic games. Luckily Modern Warfare is also great

I forgot MOHAA beach landing with 5.1 surround sound. Won't forgot that I think as thought i was in Saving private Ryan :D
14 Sep 2008
Kick off on the Amiga when it first came out, it blew every other football game away.

Seeing an import copy of Gran Turismo running on a PS1 a week after the release in Japan without a clue what i was looking at. No game has ever looked that good given the time of it's release.

First online FPS experience, Quake 2 chasing people around the map with a chaingun.

TFC: marathon dusk till dawn sessions, the best game ever made.
27 Aug 2019
Planetside 1.

Epic interlink three way ,holding the base as Vanu with TR and NC attempting to sanctuary lock the VS if I remember correctly.

Outfit I was in spent ages and ages trying to get an ant into the base as it was on 10% ...I managed to get in from a gal drop with loads of air support and resupply and we held it for god knows how long.

Team play driving tanks in that games was brilliant,magriders were the bee's knees ,riding the crest of an attack and hitting the opposing sides armour push was always a rush.

Such a fantastic game.
25 Aug 2006
All of The Wolf Among Us.

I have played Telltale Batman, GoG, Borderlands and all the Walking Deads - i played 1 episode of TWAU and thought it was pants :(

C64 - Infiltrator. Taking off in the heli, scrambling through the book of codes to find out whether to reply as Infiltrator or Overlord and then landing and carrying out the mission.


MOHAA/Spearhead multiplayer - gawd! I still know those maps today!!

L4Dead - still play this today, amazing fun.


Res Evil - the video intro and then the first zombie as he turns towards you, eek! Then the whole game really, set me up for playing all the following Res games.

MGS - the intro, feeling like you were a proper spy and also the battle with Psycho Mantis as he read your memory card - lol.

TLOU - opening flashback scene and again, the rest of the game.
25 May 2013
Was on Xbox 360, nearly every night after school for 2 years met this guy on Saints Row 1 online and became friends. Was located half way across the country but we got on like a house on fire.

Saints row matches nearly every day and night, long sessions on Test Drive Unlimited racing our Saleen S7's on that one famous long road (if you know, you know) and smashing cars to pieces on Burnout Paradise. No idea if I'll ever find him again, I think I PROPERLY deleted that Xbox account/profile. One day I hope to...

Was one of the few times I was comfortable using a mic to talk to a stranger. Think he was 19 when we last spoke after 3-4 years of not knowing about him and losing contact, and I'm 30 now so he must 30/31.
8 Jan 2013
Grenoble, France
First console was an Atari VCS woody and Pitfall was a favourite
I remember buying Zzap64 and writing to the games publishers for posters - my bedroom was covered in Ultimate Play the Game artwork.
Playing Outrun in the arcades
Playing Dungeon Master on the Amiga and realising it was the next morning
Building my first gaming PC in 2005 and it worked
Getting addicted to Everquest and role playing online with a clan - so many memories from this game
Minecraft with my kids - I still love starting a new world and exploring with them
Dirt Rally 2 or Assetto Corsa in VR
22 Sep 2008
The beach landing in Medal of Honor.

I see your mention of the MOHAA beach landing, and I raise you the mission across the sniper infested ruins of Brest!

You've massively got me wanting to replay the single player of that game and the Spearhead expansions too now. I wonder if my 2080ti can handle it? :D Will have to dig the DVDs out the loft!
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