Just got into Sekiro, who is your favourite youtuber that did a full game play through?

22 Sep 2009
Alright, I just realised while typing the title that this might be some weird fetish, but here goes..

I like watching YouTube playthroughs of games to judge whether or not it would be worth getting or not. I do normally know by the end of a "Part 1" if it's going to be a yes or know so after that I do the following..

If I like the game I'll buy it and play for a few hours and then go back to YouTube and watch how "insert youtuber" did that part, reactions to events etc until they get to where I stopped playing. I'll then continue where I left off and later on watch how that certain youtuber did it again.

Rinse and repeat until the game ends!

However, I quite like watching theRadBrad's videos because he generally comes across as fairly normal with little to no silliness or profanity.

Sadly, more often then not I'll get into my ritual just to realise that he stopped playing the game in question less than half way through. This has happened with The Witcher 3 and now Sekiro as well, which is quite a disappointment to be honest.

Anyway, I guess I'm asking who your favourite YouTubers are in regards to walkthrough or let's plays?

Even better yet, your favourite that actually does Sekiro play through??
22 Sep 2009
Don't watch much anymore, but radbrad and ghostrobo were my main 2 i liked watching, sometimes i like no commentary walkthroughs, i go to MK ice and fire

Thanks for these recommendations guys, I'm working my way throught them.

MythyMoo's playthrough was enjoyable, but he could probably make any game look fun

Jees Louise, now this is exactly everything I do NOT like in a YouTube gamer! It's actually cringe worthy..
22 Sep 2009
ChristopherOdd is good, similar to radbrad no OTT reactions just normal chilled out bloke

You know what, I am actually watching his playthrough now and he is very reserved, which it like.

Maybe a bit too reserved.. but in this environment he is best 2nd favourite!

Or my 2nd best favourite! :confused:
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