
15 Sep 2006
I'm very bad at this. Those things on your left, mutators or something? Do I need to upgrade my home or whatever it is? I haven't beat one run yet.

you can enable god mode in the options all it does is give you more resistance to damage and increases each time you die and you can toggle it on and off :)

awesome game i was hooked for days on it when i started it last week.
11 Feb 2011
Definitely has that 'just one more go' factor.

I'm very bad at this. Those things on your left, mutators or something? Do I need to upgrade my home or whatever it is? I haven't beat one run yet.

You've been investing the dark matter you've acquired into the mirror after a run, right? I haven't upgraded my home as it appears to be all cosmetic. It's the Underworld upgrades you want. You need gemstones for these.

The Boons are what's on the left. You start to get a bit of handle on which God/Goddess offers what abilities when you've done a few runs. People recommend deflect if you're new to the game. So that's Athena and the Wisdom goddess, I think. I honestly don't know all the names, I'm noob and have to look at the icons above the chamber doors.

Press 'B' to view what you've acquired during your run.

And you won't complete a run any time soon. It's not designed that way. It's actually a breath of fresh air to the usual difficulty settings.

The game does grow on you the more you play it.
10 Mar 2013
I've definitely gotten better. Made it to the end boss two runs in a row last night without much trouble.
Thought I beat it but apparently there's a second bloody phase and I ballsed up casting my poseidon call to go invulnerable to avoid a big attack when I almost had him down
26 Jan 2005
Somehow got the end boss 2nd phase down to 25% last night with a dodgy boon build that I wasn’t confident in! I reckon I’ll be able to do it tonight hopefully :) Now a lot calmer with each of the bosses so I’m taking my time and not steaming in like a bull in a China shop!
10 Mar 2013
Somehow got the end boss 2nd phase down to 25% last night with a dodgy boon build that I wasn’t confident in! I reckon I’ll be able to do it tonight hopefully :) Now a lot calmer with each of the bosses so I’m taking my time and not steaming in like a bull in a China shop!
My almost win with the bow last night was heavily carried by a boon that buffed my special by +140%., the chiron aspect (albeit with a measly 5 arrows), a +4 arrow daedalus hammer and some buff that made each consecutive hit with the special on a target deal an additional 3 base damage. Most normal enemies blew up with a single special after being marked

Started this a couple days ago, I'm not good at it all I keep getting killed by the first boss even though I'm upgrading myself in the mirror.
Make sure to prioritise getting +1 dash and Death Defiance if you haven't already
20 Dec 2004
Somehow got the end boss 2nd phase down to 25% last night with a dodgy boon build that I wasn’t confident in! I reckon I’ll be able to do it tonight hopefully :) Now a lot calmer with each of the bosses so I’m taking my time and not steaming in like a bull in a China shop!

That's the trick...once you've got the patterns down you just need to be patient with the bosses.

My only real complaint with the game is that is largely boils down to 'attack, attack, dash, repeat'. But it's so nicely presented with oodles of different progression mechanics it really feels you in.

I've only made it past the minotaur once....but I can cruise the first two bosses no problem now.
26 Jan 2005
That's the trick...once you've got the patterns down you just need to be patient with the bosses.

My only real complaint with the game is that is largely boils down to 'attack, attack, dash, repeat'. But it's so nicely presented with oodles of different progression mechanics it really feels you in.

I've only made it past the minotaur once....but I can cruise the first two bosses no problem now.
I use the gloves/fists as my weapon of choice as they’re really powerful. With the extended range upgrade, Athena dash deflect and a Dionysis(?) boon where your cast turns into a heavy hitting stun over time, you can get the Minotaur down pretty quick. The other chap is easy now I’ve done him a few times. Just be patient and wait for him to attack and hide behind a pillar and hit him on the routine immediately after where he steps away from you for a second or two. :)

edit: the stun doesn’t affect bosses I don’t think, but the cast is like 210 flat damage after a couple of upgrades!
4 Aug 2014
This game is fantastic. I played on Switch for the portability. You will get better, beyond even just the stat upgrades that will come through progression.

Possibly this developer's best effort, but I also think Bastion was fantastic as well.
11 Feb 2011
First win with melee last night. I find melee runs very difficult without a deflect boon.


The top boon was an Epic 15% crit chance. Wasn't sure if swapping it for the Heroic was the correct choice.
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26 Jan 2005
Managed to get my first end boss kill tonight, was well chuffed. Then went back and did it again and smashed my previous time with 1 heat to start as it was my first post-end boss try. Went crazy on the last boss on the 2nd run, full on blitz mode. He only got his lasers and pot things off once :D

10 Mar 2013
Also got my first kill last night. Almost got my second as well but somehow managed to put my shield up facing AWAY from the laser beams just as I was about to win :/
That was with a heavy knockback build. Knockback on special, knockback on dash, knockback on cast. All with rupture

First win was with Adamant Rail. Landed in Tartarus and was instantly given a hammer, chose +300% special damage (plus it can hurt you) then very quickly got offered a poseidon boon with something like +140% damage to special with added knockback. Safe to say any unarmoured enemy died instantly right off the bat.
Then add on all sorts of stuff like knockback applies rupture, knockback triggers a lightning bolt, lightning causes jolted and it just demolished everything thrown at me
2 Nov 2013
I just got a win with the Stygian Blade. So that's now three clears - all with weapons which up till that point I'd have told you were my least favourite!

This had a ridiculous lightning build though. Cast and special were both lightning, all lightning effects also caused jolted, I had lightning rod which meant if I didn't pick up my casts then they hit everyone near them with more lightning. And then to add to all that my lightning bolts sometimes hit twice, all china lightning bounces more times, my lightning effects cover a larger area and whenever any foe gets hit with lightning I fire an additional electric bolt!

To beat the final boss, all I had to do was kite him around the central area until the casts dropped out of him, then carry on kiting him while making sure I didn't pick them up.
11 Feb 2011
The lightening strikes around dropped bloodshots is probably my favourite. Does a fair bit of damage it's just brilliant for bosses and long chamber fights.


With the Rail Gun again :o

2 Nov 2013
Yeah, that is a good one. I just found another ridiculous combination:
  • Extra bloodstones (for casts)
  • Cast is chain lightning and powered up
  • Lightning makes foes damage themselves and others when they try to attack
  • Special dislodges casts from foes
  • Whenever cast is dislodged it causes extra damage
  • Also had massive increases in area effect and damage of special and of lightning
This was with the sword, so special is an AoE and really easy to hit with.

With the majority of encounters, cast at one of the enemies five times, then special anywhere near them, and it kills everything on the screen!

Even the final boss, took him down very quick and only took about 50 damage.
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