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Is now the best time to sell your GPU?

29 Jan 2017
Excepting PVP, where m+kb no doubt has the edge, I'm really not sure why people seem to have such difficulty with controllers. Even for FPS, with auto-aim disabled (bugs me that if you plug a controller in many games turn aim assist on...)

I occasionally play the odd FPS (not an FPS fanatic by any means) and a controller has always been fine. I typically go with Normal/Medium difficulty and can't say I've ever had a problem beating single-player FPS games with a controller.

Perhaps some people just hate the idea of using a controller and don't give it a fair shot..

Also for me a controller is much more comfortable than kb+m gaming. Although it's possible to get RSI from either.

Maybe I am just so used to PC gaming but playing FPS on console feels horrible with a controller. Aiming feels so robotic and clunky opposed to the smooth, slick swipe of the mouse.. I had an Xbox one for over a year instead of a PC and tried my best to settle for it but in the end I was like nah, this really isn't for me. Missed playing with a mouse for FPS games. Always felt like it was so slow aiming on a stick and I was gimping myself playing on console/controller. I have been playing games on PC since I was about 12 mind.
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25 Apr 2007
Maybe I am just so used to PC gaming but playing FPS on console feels horrible with a controller. Aiming feels so robotic and clunky opposed to the smooth, slick swipe of the mouse.. I had an Xbox one for over a year instead of a PC and tried my best to settle for it but in the end I was like nah, this really isn't for me. Missed playing on a mouse for FPS games. Always felt like I was gimping myself playing on console. I have been playing games on PC since I was about 12 mind.

This is how I feel. On PC, your eyes go to the target and then, a split-second later, your crosshairs are in the same place and shots start landing on the enemy. With a controller, your eyes get bored waiting for the crosshairs to arrive and then the target moves anyway.

However, I intend to purchase a console and persevere! As it happens, I like ARPGs, and controllers are fine for those, which I know since I played Diablo 3 extensively on an XBox One X.
29 Jan 2017
This is how I feel. On PC, your eyes go to the target and then, a split-second later, your crosshairs are in the same place and shots start landing on the enemy. With a controller, your eyes get bored waiting for the crosshairs to arrive and then the target moves anyway.

However, I intend to purchase a console and persevere! As it happens, I like ARPGs, and controllers are fine for those, which I know since I played Diablo 3 extensively on an XBox One X.

Yeah this is exactly what I mean, feel like you can take advantage of your reactions and movement a lot more on pc and pull off some flicks and reaction shots which are so satisfying. I never felt like that playing on console even when I got pretty good at it. Most of the time you see a head pop up at a window in the corner on console your dead before your crosshair has time to get there even though you've seen him you just get caught out.. Also felt most games the overall pace of the game was slower compared to on PC due to this. Games without aim assist feel dreadful and slow and ones with feel kinda meh, like it's doing half the work for you so I was never satisfied:cry:

I do agree though about games like D3. I put a fair bit of time into D3 on the Xbox and games like that as well as driving games feel easier to play on a controller.
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10 Feb 2021
Excepting PVP, where m+kb no doubt has the edge, I'm really not sure why people seem to have such difficulty with controllers. Even for FPS, with auto-aim disabled (bugs me that if you plug a controller in many games turn aim assist on...)

I occasionally play the odd FPS (not an FPS fanatic by any means) and a controller has always been fine. I typically go with Normal/Medium difficulty and can't say I've ever had a problem beating single-player FPS games with a controller.

Perhaps some people just hate the idea of using a controller and don't give it a fair shot..

Also for me a controller is much more comfortable than kb+m gaming. Although it's possible to get RSI from either.

I can get through an FPS or even 3rd person shooter using manual aiming on console. Its just nowhere near as fun, and takes me a lot longer to line up each shot etc.

For years before I had my own console, I feel into the camp of just hatin on controllers and never really giving them a fair shot. Only ever played at freinds houses and sucked.

But then having had a console for 4yrs+ now, I still struggle with FPS compared to on PC. But as said... easily fixed... FPS games on PC, couch games and driving games on console. Best of both :)

3090fe now being bought for £2040 :eek:
Was tempted for a second to sell mine and buy a KFA 3090 for 2250 :p Not sure if the extra bling is worth £240 though. Anyone know what the thermals are like on the EVGA card?

Im still tempted to switch my 3090fe over to a Suprim X if I get the chance...
Mainly as even having undervolted the card and changed the thermal pads on the back...its still coil whines. I guess there is a chance with that on the suprim X or strix too :|
I think ill only do it if its less than £100 for the change. Saw one of those HoF 3090s for £2400... but that card really is ugly imo. Sure its fast and all...



16 Mar 2007
I think this wont go back to normality for a couple years yet the demand is going to be more than they can supply for years to come.
4 Dec 2020
The Series X is a great piece of kit but lack of widespread KB/Mouse support stops it being a replacement for a gaming PC, unless you're entirely happy to use a controller for everything.

Good Lord - how can you play an FPS on controller, it looks like moving in treacle! :eek::p
17 Feb 2006
Good Lord - how can you play an FPS on controller, it looks like moving in treacle! :eek::p
So long as it's a good enough interface to beat the game, I'm not really fussed whether it's optimal or not :p

Optimising things I can see being essential in PvP. But a controller is comfortable, and if I can beat single player games (inc FPS) with it, then why not? I quite like treacle anyhow. Delicious on pancakes.
18 Oct 2002
I keep getting tempted to sell my 3060Ti-FE, I'm only in the country for a few weeks between now and the end of August, but if I flog it then its a gamble as to how the market is going to look by the time I'm around to game again...
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
All depends on what you have as backup, what games you want to play - if I had a 3000 series card I would definitely sell it now that there are risk free options available to make a profit (CEX - I think I would be scared of ebay). In a macabre sort of way a small part of me would relish being on a weak gpu and 'forcing' me to play some of my backlog of older games.
18 Oct 2002
All depends on what you have as backup, what games you want to play - if I had a 3000 series card I would definitely sell it now that there are risk free options available to make a profit (CEX - I think I would be scared of ebay). In a macabre sort of way a small part of me would relish being on a weak gpu and 'forcing' me to play some of my backlog of older games.

I've got a GT1030 lol..
I play Warzone and that's about it tbh, problem is I upgraded my monitor from 1080@60Hz to 1440@144Hz so the 3060Ti don't max it out, that's why I wanted the 3080, but if they are going to do a 3080Ti-FE then that's the card I'd want, and I'm not really at home much between now and mid/end August so what I have as a backup won't get used in any case...
I can always play C&C remastered on my laptop if I get real desperate :D

I'd rather flog the card to a mate that cant get one so I know its getting used, rather than it going to CEX, but CEX is easy money and no risk/hassle from my end, I could then watch the discord groups and see what else I can pick up when I'm around a bit more..
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