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30xx Series Founders Edition

15 Oct 2019
I never said there is a better way to stop scalping - I said limiting cards per customer isn't a binary thing where the only 2 options are a free for all or an indefinite hard block. I'm not sure why people are struggling to understand that.
They probably found when they had the loser restrictions in place that a lot of the cards kept going to same addresses, some people on here managed to get 4 cards etc so that's likely why that had to crack down.
27 Feb 2015
Yeah it would be abused so easy if they allowed multiple orders per address :(.

I have a second card for my sister on one of my credit card accounts, the address for it is at my address, so I would be able to order a second FE using that card no problem. Having second card holders is common for couples etc.
10 Feb 2021
I never said there is a better way to stop scalping - I said limiting cards per customer isn't a binary thing where the only 2 options are a free for all or an indefinite hard block. I'm not sure why people are struggling to understand that.

As you have demonstrated by virtue of being unable to offer anything better, the system they have is the best balance between stopping scalping, administrative effort on there side and getting cards into as many unique users as possible.
9 Mar 2003
They are already doing that anyway, the difference is those cards are pre-scalped for your convenience.

The only saving grace is that CPU demand/supply seems to have normalised and prices have come back down. I’d expect the same to happen with GPUs at some point.
3 Jan 2017
South coast
They are already doing that anyway, the difference is those cards are pre-scalped for your convenience.

The only saving grace is that CPU demand/supply seems to have normalised and prices have come back down. I’d expect the same to happen with GPUs at some point.
Probably, but some of the reason that CPU demand has dropped could be because people aren't bothering, because they can't get a gpu to go with it.
It all gets a bit complicated with these interconnected products.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
As you have demonstrated by virtue of being unable to offer anything better, the system they have is the best balance between stopping scalping, administrative effort on there side and getting cards into as many unique users as possible.

They have to query the address anyway to implement a limitation so for instance it shouldn't be hard to query a customer's order history - while it doesn't encompass all situations and is only an example 2 accounts at the same address with significant order histories are less likely to be one person scalping cards. Is it really necessary to block indefinitely rather than time limited? etc. there are loads of things which can be done without it having to be a binary all or nothing.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
They have to query the address anyway to implement a limitation so for instance it shouldn't be hard to query a customer's order history - while it doesn't encompass all situations and is only an example 2 accounts at the same address with significant order histories are less likely to be one person scalping cards. Is it really necessary to block indefinitely rather than time limited? etc. there are loads of things which can be done without it having to be a binary all or nothing.

What if you were a builder with said history, but cant make rigs for clients as your one card is now pegging you? People's only alternative in this method is to buy pre-builds.
10 Feb 2021
They have to query the address anyway to implement a limitation so for instance it shouldn't be hard to query a customer's order history - while it doesn't encompass all situations and is only an example 2 accounts at the same address with significant order histories are less likely to be one person scalping cards. Is it really necessary to block indefinitely rather than time limited? etc. there are loads of things which can be done without it having to be a binary all or nothing.
But it is time-limited. The blocks will only be in-place while cards are so hard to get.
When/if supply normalises or even just improves enough, Im sure the restrictions will be lifted.

Considering what an edge case its going to be, that 2 legitimate accounts with order history live at one address, its probably just not worth the bother to cross reference yet another thing.
17 Apr 2009
FE drop on the Continent today, so could be one here tomorrow or Wednesday (unless they skipped the UK with this batch, as they have done occasionally in the past).
18 Oct 2002
FE drop on the Continent today, so could be one here tomorrow or Wednesday (unless they skipped the UK with this batch, as they have done occasionally in the past).

Seen that earlier, no point in even trying to order from one of their drops as they don't ship to the UK.
10 Feb 2021
FE drop on the Continent today, so could be one here tomorrow or Wednesday (unless they skipped the UK with this batch, as they have done occasionally in the past).
The UK drop was last week...

I expect Germany/Austria drop next. (Yesterday was France/Spain supplier)
16 Jun 2004
This thread's only useful purpose, as far as I can see, is to inform people that they've missed the latest UK drop and needn't waste their time looking for any more FE cards for at least the next week or two...Thanks!

10 Feb 2021
This thread's only useful purpose, as far as I can see, is to inform people that they've missed the latest UK drop and needn't waste their time looking for any more FE cards for at least the next week or two...Thanks!

Only way to have a chance at getting any card is with a stock alert of some kind. Then being fast on the button!
Just randomly checking a page, or even going on a forum to see if there was a drop means you missed it.
The FE drops tend to last about 10-15 minutes, as lots of people get orders declined. So it gives others a chance to bag one who didnt get it right when the alert went.
18 May 2010
My only regret about getting the FE is it drastically change the stability of my ram.

I was running a dram calc CL14 tuned profile at 3600Hz 1.47v for about a year and now with the 3080 in there I am currently trying to run the most vanilla ram configuration you can think of just to get some stability.

It's hard to know if a crash is a game or ram but general rule of thumb is if you have any overclocks on your system if it crashes then it's most likely your overclock.

I was running only a very slight mild soft gent ram overclock which allowed me to play Metro Exodus enhanced for about 20hrs with no issues.

Now a few sessions in to Valhalla and I got a freeze.

But this is the baffling thing... I pushed the voltage on the ram to get Metro Exodus enhanced stable as that apparently pushes the system harder due to the RTX.

Start playing a more traditional rasterised game like Assassins Creed Valhalla and get instability again.

Now I am at the most basic ram config which you would get out of the box. I've just set the primary timings and 1.35v and left everything else on auto.


I don't know for example if I bought say the 8Pack CL14 3600Mhz kit which runs at 1.45v if with this 3080 in the PC that will over heat too?

My 3600MHz CL14 overclock which I ran for about a year was at 1.47v and timings where similar.

So both volts and timings similar and that seems to be the case that the 3080 made it over heat whilst it was fine with the 1080 in the pc.


On the subject of heat.... do you think its worth me investing in another set of fan at the top of the pc? Will this allow me to put back my CL14 3600MHz overclock do you reckon?
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
My 3600MHz CL14 overclock which I ran for about a year was at 1.47v and timings where similar.

Despite some people saying otherwise I've often found RAM to suffer the effects of electromigration much more than other PC parts and often in only 12-18 months or so if ran much above stock voltage with cooling not really having much impact. It seems a bit pot luck probably depending on ASIC quality or something.

A few times, even more recently, memory manufacturers have respun the die due to it one of the more famous being the D9GMH change to D9GCT but it has happened more recently just a quieter change - hence some of the ICs disappearing suddenly for new ones, etc.
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