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Nvidia Dual Displays

1 May 2006
Bristol, UK

I have a dual monitor set up as follows on a BFG 6600 GT (OC to 6800):

1. Dell 19" Ultrabright TFT - No. 1 DVI output 1280x1024
2. Panoview POS 12.1" TFT (Max res. 800x600) - No. 2 DVI output (using VGA adapter) 800x600
I have set up nView such that the two monitors are treated separately, with separate wallpapers and resolutions (I dont want to waste a 19" TFT by making it run 800x600 ;) )

The purpose of the 12.1" was to run small apps like iTunes, MSN, Xfire etc that take up space on the 19" (and maybe occasionally show off by watching movies while playing UT2k4).

Everything works sweet as a nut, until I load a game. At which point the desktop from the 19" decides to extend itself on the the 12.1" pushing everything on the 12.1" over to the right. It also crashed WMP when I tried to watch some Joe Satriani vids while playing Quake 3.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can set up nView to keep everything running 'within' the 19" dell unless its dragged across to the 12.1" POS or sent there using the nView 'send to desktop' feature?

Cheers! :cool:
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1 May 2006
Bristol, UK
just tried that on quake 3 and ut2k4

it works!! but a little bit of the rightmost of the screen (50pixels) is lost??? plus whn I play quake 3, the contrast settings are also applied to the 12.1" which makes it look like someone's had a bad accident with a 1000watt lightbulb!! :eek:

other games like bf2 and quake 4 dont like running in such high settings and start to lag :(
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27 Aug 2004
Yeah, i get this too with a 17" and a 15" screen and im yet to find a way to resolve it. Providing you are runnign your primary screen at its native res in games then it doesnt seem to do it for me, but the minute i take the screen off its native in a game my second screen goes balls up.
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