Programming Areas of Knowledge...

5 Mar 2003
Hello... Im wondering if anyone has a check list of knowledge that companies might be interested in. Obviously there is the core knowledge that looks at the basics like general programming, win forms, events and delegates etc etc... but can someone list some of the other areas. Examples would be maybe, ATL, COM, GUI and shell programming etc.

Im basically finishing uni soon and want to focus on areas that are the most.... profitable to myself and attractive to possible employers...

Thanks in advance :}
5 Mar 2003
Certainly a good start - thank you for the link!
The languages I like (in order of pref) are C#, C++ and then Java.... but I'm trying to find out the subsections of each... such as ATL/COM programming etc... dont think im being terribly clear so apologies for that :}
25 Jul 2003
Just listing languages is fine. Listing things like:

"win forms, events and delegates"

is ridiculous. If I saw "C#" written on a CV I would assume you knew what delegates and events were, its not like they are anything especially hard?! Not knowing about events and saying you know C# would be nearly as bad in my book as saying you dont know about subclassing?!
The only thing I can think of that someone who 'knows C#' may not know much about is sychronization/multithreading applications since when you start trying to build custom locking schemes out of them it gets pretty hairy.
5 Mar 2003
In my original post I was refering to them as the "core" of C#.... I know about events, win forms and delegates.... thus C# is on my CV and not things like COM/ASP.Net/ADO.Net -> items which (imo) are not core C# stuff, but more of an addition (or can be used with). I thought that was pretty clear.

Im not really after languages as such, more of the seperate areas.... from some of the jobs ive seen some prefer web based (ASP.Net), some like database orientated people (ADO.Net) and others ask for things like COM programming etc.
Was just asking for a breakdown of the .Net framework as well as stuff like C++ -> core areas that will make me an find employment easier.
15 May 2006

I left Poly and joined the Civil Service as a programmer many moons ago. Here are some things I found over the years....

UNIX Shell programming is useful and having a scripting language like Perl to back it up makes for a very good combination (which is what I use for backend work). Perl has advantages over C, mainly I found it easier to write and understand. Also has disadvantages in that it's not as quick or low level. Other scripting languages worth considering might be Python and Ruby though I know little of these.

Relational databases are used in most places so a knowledge of SQL is also good to have. Probably ANSI SQL rather than a specific variety such as Oracle.

Some knowledge of Java is useful these days as this can be applied in many places, both on the front and backends of applications e.g apps, web-pages, J2EE etc. Also kind of forces you into good programming practices too using OO concepts etc.

A background knowledge of different application architectures such as 2-tier, n-tier using middleware, and J2EE would be useful as lots of organisations use a combination of these depending on what each application does, it's workload etc.

Finally, you might want to consider looking at a 4GL language, an example being PowerBuilder which from a brief look I thought seemed pretty good. I develop in a 4GL called OpenROAD (used with an Ingres database), which whilst it isn't widely used, is used by very large employers e.g government etc. Quick to develop in, has an OO basis and, whilst undoubtably old fashioned, gets the job done. If you're interested it's got a bit on Wikipedia or I can give you more info.

I find that it's not so much learning all the syntax of languages that's important. It's more knowing what the language can do and where to find out in detail when you want to do it that's important.

Hope that helps a bit.

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