To extremist muslims

24 Jul 2006
Hoddesdon, London, UK
Theres a few of us who're brown and don't originate from Asia, such as myself, we come from other places such as the Caribbean from places like Trinidad etc.. and most of us aren't particularly religous or of the Islamic persuasion. Theres also a lot of dudes from India etc.. who're Sikh or Hindi etc.. and don't appreciate the climate the idiots from your religion are creating for us.

My little requests: Stop whinging about every little cartoon or word about your religion, other religions take a bashing and don't exactly blow themselves up or kill nuns etc.. to prove their distaste. Stop trying to impose YOUR will and law in a country that was NOT founded by your forefathers, try to co-exist and live peacefully under the laws of THIS countries forefathers. Keep your hate filled hook handed blind arsed clerics out of this country, people only hate you more and more when they start up, and on the same note, if you hate the country then STOP taking benefits from it, they tax my backside to pay for you. Yea, you guys got a little beef, and with the great USA involved in their war for oil your beef is kinda legit, but please, keep it out of this country, we got a puppet leader it ain't our fault. Back on the 'we're perpetually offended' bit, for god sakes, take it like men on the chin and just realize that everyone and everything is discriminated in some way, no matter race, sex or whatever and the actions of your finest haven't exactly given a positive image to your religion so far. also, the imposing of barbaric and sexist etc.. customs on your women and children in THIS society has got to end, YOU chose to come here and when they were born here they were born citizens of THIS country, not yours and thus have freedoms and rights and western customs that might shock and offend you but remember, YOU chose to come here. In closing, i think i speak for a lot of brown guys when i say "i long for the day i can go on a Bus or train and not get at least one second glance from someone cause of my colour and looks", and its all because of YOU people and your whacked religion. I don't agree with CBS etc. on a lot of things but Islam is running out of control in this country and growing a bit too big for my liking.
2 Oct 2006
I see your point and agree.

I think it will be hard or people to genuinely disagree with you but I am sure some will ;)

If I was in another country and some 'whites' were causing lots of unnecessary tension/conflict then I would feel the same TBH
11 May 2006
Justintime said:
Theres a few of us who're brown and don't originate from Asia, such as myself, we come from other places such as the Caribbean from places like Trinidad etc.. and most of us aren't particularly religous or of the Islamic persuasion. Theres also a lot of dudes from India etc.. who're Sikh or Hindi etc.. and don't appreciate the climate the idiots from your religion are creating for us.

Sorry but my religion only involves me and God.
11 May 2006
Justintime said:
Theres a few of us who're brown and don't originate from Asia, such as myself, we come from other places such as the Caribbean from places like Trinidad etc.. and most of us aren't particularly religous or of the Islamic persuasion. Theres also a lot of dudes from India etc.. who're Sikh or Hindi etc.. and don't appreciate the climate the idiots from your religion are creating for us.

Sorry but the only members of my religion are myself and God.
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
100% behind you on this one mate.

Its about time someone spoke up. Its in all our minds, or at letas its in anyone who has a hearts mind anyway.

I have many friends who have many beliefs and they are many colours, including Muslims, and yes, some of the muslim friends of mine are white, black, brown and frigging polka dot too, and not one of them... NOT ONE! would even consider doing what these whacko psycos are doing?

These are nut jobs. The people who follow them must be seriously, seriously, seriously mental, I just cannot put into words just how messed up they must be... ( You have to bear with me here cos I have written some strong words that I have deleted, so if I miss a word or two, the post will get deleted I know that. ) What possible reason do these people have to happily do such disgusting things to others?

Funny thing is, that nowhere in the quran does it ever say that people must blow themselves up or even kill someone to please god? - unless I have missed somehting and I have read the quran, as well as the bible and the complete Jewish bible ( Both the Tanakh and Hadashah ) and none of them promote the killing of any kind to another person.

So, what possible reason do these nutters have to justify their actions? NONE!

I seriously doubt that the ones that do indeed kill themselves in order to kill others have actually read the quran at all???

Maybe its got nothign to do with religion either? Maybe they are just nutters and everyoen is fallign for this terrorism stuff?

I dont know.

I do know one thing, and that is that we must put a stop to this. There is one good deterrent for this mind of thing, and that is to deport those ound guilty... Not only deport them, but their entire families too! - I dont mean to sound harsh here, but it would definitely make them think twice.

This country is far too soft in this area... The whole idea of racism has gone totally out of the window, and own the street.

Hell, I am white, I live in Wales, of course, there are millions of thigns I hear every day from my english friends... Sheep Sha??er is one thing. I have scottish friends, and I call them Jock, South Walians I called Taffy, Irish are Paddy or Mick. I have a black mate we call ASP... As in Dark as the Ace of spades... No one, and I mean no one considers any of this racism?

Its all very well to call white people such names, it all very well to pa point to call black people some names... You call a Pakistani a ****, and your a racist!

Whats the difference?

**** from Pakistan
Scot from Scotland
Yank from America
Cockney from London.

The list goes on, but why is it that calling someone a **** is racist then?

Sure, ignorant people call any asian, a **** and this would be ignorance and stupidity, if I was an indian say, and was called a ****, I would be completely insulted, just as when people call me English when I am not, but if they are Pakistani, then it cannot be racist, when its a fact.

I never get upset when people call me taff - even though Taffs are from south wales, and I am from the north, which makes me a HIC not a taff by the way.

Hang on, Im ranting now but a Valid rant I think all the same.

The problem we have here is that things are not getting out of hand... They are already out of hand, and I think its time for something radical to put a total stop to it... New leader no doubt, because blair is so firmly rammed up Bush' rear that he can smell his breath.

Without Blair giving bush the validation he has for invading these countries, the US would have absolutely no foundation to do such an illegal war. We are going into Iran in april, magically just before the Next elections, and guess what guys? we cant have an election if we are at war, and blair will stay in for another term, which gives Bush yet another good backup for invading the next country... Who will it be after Iran?

Consider this guys... The Americans have NEVER WON A WAR.

They wont win this one on Terror either!
9 Dec 2003
FatRakoon said:
Consider this guys... The Americans have NEVER WON A WAR.

They wont win this one on Terror either!

You make VERY good points with the part of your post I didn't quote, so please don't think I'm picking on you, but I think the Japanese might disagree with you..... ;)
23 Aug 2005
FatRakoon said:
100% behind you on this one mate.

I seriously doubt that the ones that do indeed kill themselves in order to kill others have actually read the quran at all???

Its more a case of twisting the words/misquoting to suit their own needs.
6 Nov 2006
Penal Colony 47
frigging polka dot too

:eek: Is that some sort of skin condition? Your buddy might what to check that out.

and not one of them... NOT ONE! would even consider doing what these whacko psycos are doing?

Well at least thats what they tell you. If you were a terrorist in the making would you go around being abusive, and rabbiting on about how Allah is going to smite everyone? Or would you be a nice person who is friends with everyone condemning the wackos? Which one looks less suspicious?
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Mickey_D said:
You make VERY good points with the part of your post I didn't quote, so please don't think I'm picking on you, but I think the Japanese might disagree with you..... ;)

Yeh, ok, I see what you are saying there, but the US could never have done that on its own. They had the allies with them, and I think Australia have not been given their fair dues in the pacific war... They did a hell of a lot more than we seem to acknowledge, and if they had not been there doing as much as they did, the Japanese would have probably won the war a long time before the US were able to develop "The Bomb".

Andas for using the bombs... People seem to forget that they dropped these bombs on civilian cities... NOT Military. I dont care what anyone says about how it ended the war in the pacific, this is still a seriously nasty way to finish it... The whole war in the pacific was being won anyway by this time, the allied forces had jumped from island to island capturing them and the japanese were realyl taking a beating, so why drop those bombs? why on civilians? - no justification, they said it would save lives in the long run???? - No it didnt.

Anyway, that war was won by allied forces, not just the americans.

Would we / could we have won it without them?

Difficult to say. Arguements on both sides to this one.

What I mean with that original post though about the Americans not winning a single war, this stands firm. They have never won a war that they fought on their own.

fumbles said:
:eek: Is that some sort of skin condition? Your buddy might what to check that out.

I told him, but he wont see a doctor.

fumbles said:
Well at least thats what they tell you. If you were a terrorist in the making would you go around being abusive, and rabbiting on about how Allah is going to smite everyone? Or would you be a nice person who is friends with everyone condemning the wackos? Which one looks less suspicious?


Thats true.

Whenever you hear of some mass-murderer, and you see people who know them being interviewed, they all say things like

"Oh he would never have hurt a fly"

or that sort of thing...

You never see them saying things like

"Mad Axeman Mickey? - yeah, only a matter of time before he flipped!"

Do you? LOL

Seriously though, you are sounding to me, like you dont trust anyone who is, or might possibly be, a muslim?
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
is this a pro muslim or anti muslim thread?

I couldn't be bothered to read it. Same old STUFF you kids and thick uneducated working class dullards churn out :rolleyes:
Last edited:
25 May 2003
Efour2 said:
insulting post

Actually it's a fairly sensible opinion of what many people feel, from someone who has the same skin colour as many muslims. It's annoying that innocent muslims get tarnished by the fact that there are a very small minority of dispicable, nasty pieces of work intent on wrecking western civilisation. The sooner they are got rid of, the better it will be for this country and all cultures who reside in it!
12 Apr 2003
FatRakoon said:
Consider this guys... The Americans have NEVER WON A WAR.

Not exactly, they were on the winning side in WW1+2, ok they entered late both times, but they were on the winning side. Civil war? a country can't really not win a civil war, but then again it will always lose too! War of independence? First gulf war?



10 Jan 2007
Justintime said:
Theres a few of us who're brown and don't originate from Asia, such as myself, we come from other places such as the Caribbean from places like Trinidad etc.. and most of us aren't particularly religous or of the Islamic persuasion. Theres also a lot of dudes from India etc.. who're Sikh or Hindi etc.. and don't appreciate the climate the idiots from your religion are creating for us.

My little requests: Stop whinging about every little cartoon or word about your religion, other religions take a bashing and don't exactly blow themselves up or kill nuns etc.. to prove their distaste. Stop trying to impose YOUR will and law in a country that was NOT founded by your forefathers, try to co-exist and live peacefully under the laws of THIS countries forefathers. Keep your hate filled hook handed blind arsed clerics out of this country, people only hate you more and more when they start up, and on the same note, if you hate the country then STOP taking benefits from it, they tax my backside to pay for you. Yea, you guys got a little beef, and with the great USA involved in their war for oil your beef is kinda legit, but please, keep it out of this country, we got a puppet leader it ain't our fault. Back on the 'we're perpetually offended' bit, for god sakes, take it like men on the chin and just realize that everyone and everything is discriminated in some way, no matter race, sex or whatever and the actions of your finest haven't exactly given a positive image to your religion so far. also, the imposing of barbaric and sexist etc.. customs on your women and children in THIS society has got to end, YOU chose to come here and when they were born here they were born citizens of THIS country, not yours and thus have freedoms and rights and western customs that might shock and offend you but remember, YOU chose to come here. In closing, i think i speak for a lot of brown guys when i say "i long for the day i can go on a Bus or train and not get at least one second glance from someone cause of my colour and looks", and its all because of YOU people and your whacked religion. I don't agree with CBS etc. on a lot of things but Islam is running out of control in this country and growing a bit too big for my liking.

Well said. I agree 100% to your statement.
5 Jul 2005
Efour2 said:
is this a pro muslim or anti muslim thread?

I couldn't be bothered to read it. Same old **** you kids and thick uneducated working class dullards churn out :rolleyes:

Wow, what a complete moron.

Maybe you should read the post before posting your dullard opinion of it?

If you actually read it, it is quite fair when applied to the people causing trouble, not every Muslim (or any religious fanatics for that matter). The 'extremists' are most likely using the religion as an excuse to get what they want, and obviously it doesn't represent the large majority, just the vocal minority. And the post, while not very eloquent, never claims anything other than that.
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