Important announcement regarding Photography Forum Judges

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8 Apr 2004
divine_madness said:
Other way round, this thread is an indirect result of the email.

Yeah, I've just read through the whole thing, and I'm a bit disappointed that I wasted my time reading it all.

As far as I can see all that was needed was PMs to judges to inform them of the decision and then a thread to annouce it. I think 90% of the posts in this thread wouldn't be here then.

Either way, I don't care as long as the competition is still going. One day I'll enter a photo :D
11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
Wow this sure came out the blue, I don't particulary care waht morgan did but I must say I'm intrigued as it must have been a bit of a burst to cause this.

I don't really buy it that this was caused out of the caring nature to make things better, tredding carefully so as not to get banned I would like to point out, that although you might have an itnerest for photography, and the gear Spie, you are not a regular to this subsection and I rarely see you post, never have seen you enter and have only seen 2 photos from you, one showing your expensive gear, and another one that I could only describe as a snapshot.

This is not me having a go at you at all, but I don't think you or scuzi or any of the other mods really have the credentials to chose a judge, even if you do take into consideration the thoughts of other members when chosing, it is ultimately the dons and yourself who will make the decision, not us.

I am a competitive person but I mainly only entered this competition for a bit of fun. The rules that were in place before had ruined this fun sometimes for myself and I know for others too. So I can't imagine that all this is going to help one bit. I know it isn't helping me to think better of this forum. It is nice to see an itnerest taken in this sub section though!

With the interest you suddenly have, and the amount of talented members you have on this forum, I'm sure you would be able to ask a web developer from this forum to set up an organised compeition section on this forum, one for members to vote and one for the judges to vote. This way everyone get's their say across about what image they liked. With some serious debate about what would make a good scoring system, along with a keen web developer, I'm positive a better solution could be made rather than firing and then re-hiring judges.

Sure I was peaved at some results where I thought (and I know others thought too) that certain entries should have scored higher, and some lower than they did, but I wasn't about to have a hissy over it or kick up a fuss. I'm also not saying that this is what this thread is about either.

Anyway, to sum up this poor rant and slightly contradictory post of mine I would like to state I won't be asking to take a seat as a judge and my nominees for judges are as follows;

Morgan, Xotol & Matt.
6 Nov 2005
Colin_da_Killer said:
Morgan, Xotol & Matt.
Well we won't be seeing Morgan again, Matt doesn't want to do it any more and xotol is already re-appointed.

I really don't see the big problem with what the mods have done here. Making a separate site like some people have suggested would just complicate matters (excluding the stats site, which is useful) - all the competition needs is a kick-start, which it's getting.

I would suggest, however, that as this thread isn't actually achieving anything any more, apart from damaging relations with the admins, that it's closed. If there's a new thread where people can say whether or not they would like to be considered to be a judge, it would help people a lot when we do nominations. At the moment, lots of people visit this section, and not knowing who actually would want to do the job makes voting a bit awkward.

My 2 cents.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Right, now that we've got that lot off our chests I'd like to invite more applications. If you feel you are up to the task of judging the photo competition, please put your name forward.

xolotl has already been chosen for his excellent work therefore we need 2 more judges.

Deadline for applications is 23:59 Saturday 5th May.
28 Feb 2006
I think people are forgetting that the new judges WE pick are not total spammers or trouble makers, as long as they are respectable members then they will get the job. I personally would not like somebody who is going to cause trouble judging our competition and the mods are just making sure this isn't going to happen.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Raymond Lin said:
Think Matt thought the same until this morning.
Yes, well changes had to be made. They have been made. Deal with it. Matt is more than welcome to apply again if he wishes.

Are you going to continue bickering or are you going to nominate who you would like to judge the competition?
26 Jul 2005
Fstop11 said:
Why has Colin been banned? I think he expressed a fair point.

This thread was an interesting read

I really only venture into the photography section of this site, and when personal time allows i enter the competition. The judging of results has always been slow? because it takes a long time to give a good and accurate grade to 50 photos and to claim that the competition was some how now working properly when volunteer judges were marking them 'too slowly' in their own time is a bit harsh.

I will just ditto previous statements - the competition was started by members, maintained by members, judged by members, and the judges were chosen by members and previous judges.

You've effectively sacked judges from a position that wasn't appointed by yourselves. I personally feel that is just a big two fingers to the community, it is they who have appointed the judges and have done for several years...
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
alexisonfire said:
Why was he removed, if hes welcome back?
All judges were removed and asked to reapply, it was the only way to ensure that the process remains fair.

Do you want to have your say on who judges this competition or would you rather continue to make posts which are doing nothing to contribute to the discussion?

Take a step back and look at the situation. The photo competition was going down the tubes, we're stepping in now to ensure that it continues smoothly. It was inevitable that some people would be upset but the bottom line is that the moderating team consider this the best overall course of action to ensure that things run well in the long run. We want what is best for the forum.

Why else would we do this? :confused:
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