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  1. Calo

    Noblechairs Hero max height confusion

    Id like to know if this is true - the seat height needs to go to 56cm in standard seating position or I'll be going with Secret Labs
  2. Calo

    Necromunda: Hired Gun

    The full Combat Review is here, it's awesome!
  3. Calo

    For fans of FPS Shotguns

    Thanks, much appreciated! I'm glad this crazy venture is being well received from all corners so far, in fact. I'd love to sit and play through each Gears game one week and dig into the guns as a one off. Although 2 and 3 didn't make it to PC I read, which makes 4K60 video capture a pain...
  4. Calo

    Halo MCC - Halo 4 - 17th November

    The flighting is based on testing specific hardware setups, so they wont be looking at game time unfortunately, even though it would surely be better marketing to give it to the biggest fans first. I think they like people with 2080ti most! O_O"
  5. Calo

    Halo MCC - Halo 4 - 17th November

    I got to say, Halo 2 MCC PC is so damn nice to play. I didnt play a lot of Halo 2 back in the day - I remember it more for the E3 hype it created in fact. The pre-release is still available even today (last time they only gave us 48 hours with the 'flighting' session for Halo:CE). Its a 32GB...
  6. Calo

    Crysis Remastered 2020

    Do you reckon they will offer up a collectors edition complete with audio key fob that says "Maximum Armour" and such when pressed?
  7. Calo

    Halo MCC - Halo 4 - 17th November

    Co-op is still brilliant in Halo:CE. so much fun with grenades. Halo 2 is looking mighty fine on PC - here's a pre-release screen grab comparison:
  8. Calo

    Doom Eternal

    Ah, looks like its either my low-mid range Samsung TV, or the cable I have doesn't quite cut the mustard then. Im running on almost exactly same spec as yours, my cpu is a 2600X but that wont affect this res. Thanks for sharing
  9. Calo


    Definitely all the attention its getting - last time i tried a game that wasn't my usual go-to genre, I ended up loving the series (Bayonetta) Also, my brother played the original back in the day and it always seemed to have him hooked! So, wasn't sure where to dive in.
  10. Calo

    Halo MCC - Halo 4 - 17th November

    Anyone else still downloading the Halo 2 'Flighting' from windows store today? 31GB download! It's taking my hack fraud lock down special reduced internet speed provider Shell all day... Those hacks.
  11. Calo

    Crysis Remastered 2020

    "Summer release" ahh nuts.
  12. Calo

    Crysis Remastered 2020

    Oh yes! official announcement coming soon. I hope its out before end of the month. I can spend the rest of lock down tweaking the ultra detail settings!
  13. Calo

    Doom Eternal

    Thanks for sharing that HDR vid - I actually got Doom Eternal to look perfect with its in game sliders (was just the mid whites that needed lowering i believe) but i did notice, at 4K 60fps, using their HDR introduced a micro stutter. I was still getting 90+ frames per second so it wasnt the...
  14. Calo

    ***The High-Res Screenshot Thread!***

    Rage 2
  15. Calo

    Crysis Remastered 2020

    I tell you what, OG Crysis is so broken on modern systems, it needs a remaster more than most do. Fails to launch on one system and is a choppy unplayable mess on the other (and no, I'm not talking from 2008!) The warhead expansion works fine, wierdly.
  16. Calo

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare

    Hey guys, question for the veterans - is this latest campaign worth playing alone or is this still a predominantly multiplayer focused game? (I'm not into CoD multplayer since MW2 days)
  17. Calo

    Google Stadia - CLOSING DOWN on 18th Jan 2023

    This is quite shocking really. The only thing i believed Google had in their favor with this was near unlimited resources to get everyone hooked up globally and playing smoothly. Even if that was true, I didnt see a future for it due to the price model. and now more and more outlets confirm its...
  18. Calo


    I just watched the latest Jimquisition show about spoilers (citing this game specifically) and then saw this post! Quick question for you - and I don't mind spoilers at all - as someone who hasn't played the original or this remake - should i just jump in to this modern version? Does it do...
  19. Calo

    Is pc gaming going to become 2nd best now?

    For me, a console lives in a bright living room for couch gaming with a wireless pad. A PC lives somewhere dark, out of the way, with a designated space for a mouse, keyboard and kickass monitor - this is where FPS and strategy games come to life. So the console can never be better, or the PC...
  20. Calo

    *** Nintendo Switch ***

    I did pretty much the same thing too - been playing Resident Evil wii edition - its soo good. That and a bunch of DDR (was this the last console to get Dance Mat games?)
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