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  1. Morat

    What kind of spider is this?

    It is a female garden spider.
  2. Morat

    Whats your Favourite joke

    What has two legs and bleeds? Half a Dog.
  3. Morat

    "Nice guys finish last"

    This explains exactly why nice guys finish last.
  4. Morat

    Bday present for a mate suggestions please

    The definitive 21st birthday present is of course the fox-tail buttplug. It is mandatory that he receives at least 1.
  5. Morat

    Need girl advice

    Dude, if she says she has a boyfriend just threaten to punch her in the ovaries if she doesn't go on a date with you. Chicks dig that. ALternatively; you could have followed her home.
  6. Morat

    The toy that never was

    My Brother bought me a Mr Frosty for my 25th Birthday :D
  7. Morat

    Dealing with troublesome employees?

    That should not have gone on for a month. 18 months of that without a word does not look good. - To the OP; as far as I can tell your employees are not missing work, but are being incredibly unprofessional. Speak to them individually and ask them what they think they have been doing...
  8. Morat

    Animal Rights Protesters

    At the end of the day we are merely animals ourselves, albeit sentient ones. imho we have no more right to existance than any other animal. Unfortunately most animals are made from meat which makes them far too tasty to live.
  9. Morat

    Who here remembers me?

    I'm a long term lurker and remember you ;)
  10. Morat

    Chinese Pyramids

    That is just the perspective. If you turn the picture around it no longer looks like that. Edit: Someone beat me to it. (or rather I didn't read that far down ^^)
  11. Morat

    Would the Moderators PLEASE tell what I can bloody have for a signature!!!!

    Isn't an image of 4 lines fo text exactly the same as 4 lines of text, thus exceeding the allowed text line quota?...
  12. Morat

    Weird Spooky and clever

    I picked 17 twice, so 8 - and it didnt work. Twice.
  13. Morat

    Paris - Home of extortionate prices...

    I think you got stiffed by the more tourist friendly places. Drinks in the centre of paris are 6-7 Euros a pint. Of course a decent cocktail is the same price and a glass of wine is 3 Euros. Restaurants are typically 15-20 Euros for a meal. It depends entirely on where you go though...
  14. Morat

    reheating food help !

    If you didn't actually read the articles, I do not really believe that posting the same ones that state that will be of any benefit. The point is that the bacteria will be destroyed by these temperatures. However; as some of them will not be destroyed due to extreme heat resistance...
  15. Morat

    reheating food help !

    The main point was that this bacterium can survive the temperatures of boiling for 10 minutes and cooking. Whilst the majority will indeed be destroyed by this, some will survive. Therefore if the food is left to cool at room temperature, the ones that have survived will breed and release...
  16. Morat

    reheating food help !

    Clearly ;)
  17. Morat

    reheating food help !

    Well, you can destroy RNA in viruses at temperatures below 100 degrees c, thus removing their ability to operate. Of course it depends on the virus.
  18. Morat

    reheating food help !

    Not true. Many viruses, such as Influenza, are destroyed by heat.
  19. Morat

    reheating food help !

    Sorry. You are wrong: "Bacillus food poisoning usually occurs because heat-resistant endospores survive cooking or pasteurization and then germinate and multiply when the food is inadequately refrigerated. " "Because the spores of many...
  20. Morat

    Dreaded Letter...

    I think I ate lasagne and soup exclusively for about a fortnight. You also need to be careful not to go out too much as the risk of infection is higher. Morat
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