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  1. Dr_Evil

    Live Free or Die Hard

    What does this title mean, "Live Free or Die Hard"?
  2. Dr_Evil

    Live Free or Die Hard

    Does this 'sequel theory' count for the Police Academy series as well, or do they simply just all suck as bad as each other? ;)
  3. Dr_Evil

    Do you speak your mind?

    sometimes it's best to speak your mind indirectly through "tongue" rather than directly....
  4. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    and from that link, i quote:
  5. Dr_Evil

    What IP would you like seen turned into an MMO?

    You could have 2 realms with instances overflowing from the 200 into the 201 IP range#?
  6. Dr_Evil

    What IP would you like seen turned into an MMO?

    I'd go for
  7. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    Thanks. If the clamping company clamped him because he didn't have a permit, or parked in a non-parking zone, then yes, but for not displaying a tax disc? That is wrong and I wouldn't have paid it, whether or not i was able to remove the clamp from my wheel or not....
  8. Dr_Evil

    Do you speak your mind?

    Miranda: Ummm that was incredible. Was it good for you? Fletcher: I've had better. Cop: You know why I pulled you over? Fletcher: Depends on how long you were following me! Cop: Why don't we just take it from the top? Fletcher: Here goes: I sped. I followed too closely. I ran a stop sign...
  9. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    Still, a private clamping company cannot clamp for that reason, only if you're parking without a permit or permission on a private road. Tax disks is none of their business and is down to the government to deal with...
  10. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    This is starting to sound dodgier by the minute... If the road is private propertly, you can park without having a tax disc. The only people allowed to clamp your vehicle, due to not having a valid tax disk displayed, is the government, and only when parked on a public road.
  11. Dr_Evil

    Should I claim?

    Some are lucky some are not. The question is, by tripping over a loose paving slab, how much can you really blame someone else? "No win no fee" companies are very eager to take on your case, whether or not you will receive a good payout... I'm just saying be careful, it can be a time-waster not...
  12. Dr_Evil

    Live Free or Die Hard

    Die Hard 4.0β ? I wouldn't mind seeing it...
  13. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    Simon - were you perhaps clamped because you didn't have a parking permit?
  14. Dr_Evil

    VB.Net: Console apps

    wait for a user keystroke at the end of your main program execution, just before the program finishes?
  15. Dr_Evil

    lost your house keys? try this!

    Is that your girlfriend?
  16. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    a boltcutter is cheaper, makes less noise and much quicker.....
  17. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    another "payer"... :p
  18. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    Can you tell me please where you park your car, i also want to earn some quick cash from you! :D Hint: get one of these and leave them in the boot of your car, just in case:;jsessionid=EF0S1MNPDCXVUCSTHZOCFFQ?cId=A335519&ts=22343&id=32631 ;)
  19. Dr_Evil

    Clamped for no tax disk on display

    You are insane!
  20. Dr_Evil

    Idiot on my road !!

    just wait in front of his door, when he comes out throw some acid in his eyes! That'll teach him! ;)
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