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  1. Drunzer

    Destiny 2

    Is anybody on here still playing this on PS4? My brother and I played all the way through Destiny 1. Played Destiny 2 at launch but then the content dried up and I wasn't impressed with Curse of Osiris so I stopped playing. Bought Forsaken 2 weeks ago and I wish I hadn't left, it looks like...
  2. Drunzer

    Monster Hunter World (PS4, XB1, PC)

    Funny story. I thought I was good at this game until I fought an Anjanath.
  3. Drunzer

    Monster Hunter World (PS4, XB1, PC)

    I really love the Insect Glaive, seems to do great damage with buffs and keeps me out of trouble as I'm in the air a lot. I would imagine some monsters down the road are going to put a major dent in my confidence, killed the Tobi Kadachi last night that was a fun fight. Seen Rathalos for the...
  4. Drunzer

    Monster Hunter World (PS4, XB1, PC)

    I didn't get the Horizon quest done in the end up, I completely agree with the advice given here on taking my time. I'm glad I did as I'm still very much learning the game, part of why I've avoided groups up until this point. I tend to fight monsters head on at the moment I don't really use...
  5. Drunzer

    Games After the Witcher 3?

    Bloodborne Dark Souls Trilogy Monster Hunter World All fantastic games that will eat up a lot of your time. They have multiplayer capability but if you want to go solo you can do just that. I haven't played Horizon Zero Dawn but I've heard nothing but good things from friends.
  6. Drunzer

    Monster Hunter World (PS4, XB1, PC)

    I handled the poison okay I think, I kind of defaulted to Souls tactics like staying behind it or close to the legs. Even when it went airborne having the Insect Glaive meant I could still reach it in most cases, I've become decent at keeping the buffs up so the fight didn't last too long...
  7. Drunzer

    Monster Hunter World (PS4, XB1, PC)

    I had a similar problem with the Pukei quest, first time around I only had 10 minutes left by the time I found it then ran out of time. Nailed it second try, definitely a lot easier to fight it than find it.
  8. Drunzer

    Monster Hunter World (PS4, XB1, PC)

    I bought this at launch but haven't been able to dedicate any decent amount of time to it until now. I just noticed the Horizon Zero Dawn related quest is only available until February 8th, I know I read you need to be Hunter Rank 6 to do the quest. Currently I'm Hunter Rank 2, do I have enough...
  9. Drunzer

    PS4 Pro on a 4k HDR TV... everyone's experiences!

    I opted for an LG 49SJ800V in the end it should be here before Christmas, my gaming room is fairly small so I've had to move a lot of things around (and out) just to accommodate it coming in so I'm really hoping it's worth it. From what I have seen the majority of comments on it have been quite...
  10. Drunzer

    PS4 Pro on a 4k HDR TV... everyone's experiences!

    I'm probably missing something really obvious but why is it so difficult to find good HDR on a smaller TV around the 40 - 43" range? I'm in a small room where I'm not sat very far from the TV so anything more than that size makes no sense for me. Just seems like every review for a TV smaller...
  11. Drunzer

    Destiny 2

    Have they nerfed the drop rates of armour for these limited time events? I must have opened close to 50 packages during faction rally and still didn't obtain a full set, takes significantly longer to rank up in IB but 10 packages later I have a mark and gauntlets..that's it. It's weapon after...
  12. Drunzer

    Destiny 2

    I pair Mida with Uriel's Gift and I think that's a pretty strong pairing for PvP. I always hear Moe raving about Last Hope for your energy slot, it's a burst fire sidearm.
  13. Drunzer

    Destiny 2

    How's it going man? ^_^ yeah I didn't mention I was buying it as honestly I didn't think I would be playing as me and my wife just had our second child. He's a great sleeper though so I have a lot more time than I thought. Yeah Corey is back, so is Moe. We'll all have to get together soon...
  14. Drunzer

    Destiny 2

    Have 2 spaces available for PS4 raid starting at 8pm or just after, think you need to be 270+. Message me on PSN if interested, ID is Drunzer.
  15. Drunzer

    Destiny 2

    I've had Wardcliff Coil for a while and I thought it was useless but I keep hearing people saying it's a must have, maybe I'm using it wrong -_- it clears low health mobs pretty well but I just don't think it's worth my exotic weapon slot. Not over Merciless or Sunshot anyway.
  16. Drunzer

    Recommend Me PS4 Games.

  17. Drunzer

    ** Dragon Ball Fighter Z **

    Yeah this looks incredible. I was a massive DBZ fan when I was younger, didn't like GT at all though. I wonder if this will just feature fighters from the Z era, I'm assuming that might be the case based off the name. Are the more powerful transformations handled like temporary power ups? Like...
  18. Drunzer

    God of War 4

    Always have been a big GoW fan. I was pretty underwhelmed by the Sony conference in general at E3 but the GoW game play was definitely a highlight for me this year.
  19. Drunzer

    Anthem 2018

    Surprised there hasn't been more chatter about this on here. People hesitant because of Andromeda?
  20. Drunzer

    US: Arrow (Season 4)

    He's been an anti-hero in the comics for a while now, it's working pretty well.
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