
  1. Fearghal

    GPU & MoBo Recommendations

    Hi, I'm looking into building a computer for my dad and I have a fair idea of what components I need to get. I'm just a little unsure of what GPU and motherboard to get - he wants to use it mostly for office use and would like to play some games on it too. Any help will be much appreciated, thanks!
  2. XavLaSuiteStudio

    PINATAS ROCKETS, new Indie game released for Rift on Oculus Store.

    Hello to everyone in the forum. I'm Xavier Bottet, the president and founder of a new indie game developer: La Suite Studio. We have released last week, PINATAS ROCKETS for the Oculus Rift, on the store: "Everybody loves Pinatas…and Fireworks. It’s party time, and obviously the pinatas are...
  3. TechMinerUK

    Decent games for the new year

    Hi everyone, It's that time again where I've pretty much exhausted my current favorite games (Titanfall 2/Civ 5 (I have Civ 6 but it's not spectacular). Because of this I'm looking for some new titles to add to the library to keep me occupied over the winter months. I was wondering what...
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