Cracking noises/black screens/Low FPS/Restarting

3 Sep 2017
Proc - AMD Ryzen 5 Six Core 1600 3.60GHz
PSU - XFX XT Series 500W 80 Plus Bronze Power Supply / changed to corsair VS550 with no effects
Mother - MSI B350 Tomahawk AMD B350
RAM - Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB (2x4GB) DDR4 PC4-24000C15 3000MHz Dual Channel Kit
GPU - Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 WindForce OC 6144MB GDDR5
SSD/HDD - WD Black 256GB M.2 SSD + 1TB HDD
For some time now i've got a problem with my PC (Which i was able to buy with a great help of this forum <3) -
During games or watching videos i had mini freezes. Sometimes the only way to notice them was through the headphones (quick "CRACH" sound). Micro second of unusual sound/mini refresh of video/game and everything was normal again.

Few days ago i updated the graphic drivers to the newest. After an update instead of microfreezes i started getting 1-2sec black screens and sometimes random restarts. I rolled back previous drivers. Didn't help. I decided to clean the whole system disc and reinstall windows (Clean install). Didn't help. I checked cables, changed HDMI - nothing. The current graphic drivers are two updates behind. Random minifreezes are gone, but during watching videos/games PC restarts itself/stops responding (No error). When in safe mode i haven't noticed the restarts when watching videos/YT/listening to music. But the problem with "buzzing noises" in headphones are still here: (From ~4sec)

I didn't know what to look for, so a few stats i thought might be useful:
CPU under stress looks fine. Temperatures normal

GPU temp during Heaven Benchmark (Also i ran it for quite some time to check how it looks like) at ultra - max 60 degree
There is a problem i observed during benchmark that i have noticed during games. FPS drops. The game starts with 6 FPS and then a minifreeze happens and suddently 60+FPS (Same place/same settings). For example - I turn on the game with high details. FPS <10. The games sometimes randomly "refresh" with cracking noise and it jumps to max fps. Turning the game after a reset (Once fps drop happened) used to solve problem. Now with random restarting it's not that easy.

No OC, newest BIOS drivers.

CPUID HWMonitor:
All off
Browser+game on

Also... There is one little thing. Cracking noises in PSU. Seems quite unusual compared with my previous ones, but everything worked fine for a year. Just in case i recorded it (From around 8sec mark): (Turn sound up. It's pretty quiet on the recording)
Because of it i changed PSU hoping that it will solve my problems. Didn't really help. I tried uinstalling GPU and running PC with standard drivers(Or old ones) - always something wrong. After changing a PSU i tried turning on a game (witcher) but the PC restared before it even turned on.

I hope i didn't create this topic in wrong department. If there is any more information needed - please let me know and i will supply you guys with it
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2 Aug 2018
When you say you uninstalled the gpu did you remove the gpu completely from the mobo and try to use on board graphics to see if the problem disappeared.

What wattage was the psu that you tested?
3 Sep 2017
Original PSU (With cracking noises): XFX XT Series 500W 80 Plus Bronze Power Supply
Current: Corsair VS550 (550W)

I tried running PC without graphic card (GPU disconnected from motherboard). Connected monitor to the motherboard, but after turning it on the monitor stayed black. VGA light stayed on.
I also tried only uinstalling it in the system and installed some default Windows drivers. Didn't make much change.
2 Aug 2018
Did you get an option to go into bios settings before the screen blacked out?

Sometimes you need to change the screen output in there when switching to and from on board graphics.
3 Sep 2017
No. When turning on without GPU there is nothing on the screen (Monitor connected to motherboard).
I just checked BIOS. In the "Integrated graphic card" options menu there is nothing. Nothing to turn it on/change.
28 Dec 2017
Ryzen 1600 doesn't have integrated graphics. Neither does your motherboard. The video connectors on the mobo won't do anything unless you fit an APU or a Ryzen G series GPU.
3 Sep 2017
I just checked my graphic card in another PC - everything fine.
I also connected different monitor to my PC - didn't make a change.

I excluded PSU/GPU/Discs/cables as sources of the fault. Processor seems and there isn't any visible (For me) indications that it might be at fault.
It seems that Motherboard might be the one that makes things bad and i will have to use guarantee on it. Although - i have to idea how to confirm a source of the problem. I guess i'd have to get other mobo in my hands and check if everything works then.

Edit: I turned on Witcher 3 for tests (lags/freezes). It started with ~10fps. I changed graphics to ultra, then medium, then high (Just random clicks). I heard the noises (Last link, first post) and suddenly everything ran just fine. Changed graphics to medium, then high - problems again. I don't know if it matters but maybe someone had/heard of similar problems
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