CS:GO Discussion

12 Sep 2012
Plymouth, UK
Valve have made big changes to de_cbble in a recent update.

Reduced latency of voice audio.
Community servers now can show viewer counts when players are streaming their match.
Fixed regression in Deathmatch Bonus mission evaluation.
Fixed a Deathmatch exploit where players could maliciously cause the server to run out of entities.
Fixed buymenu's Accurate Range weapon stats being computed incorrectly.
Fixed AWP viewmodel rendering when zoomed.
Added flavor text to Arms Deal Case 1 and fixed typos in previous flavor text.
Positional sounds spatialize to within 15 inches of the player and no longer "spread" to stereo when nearby.

Major changes to Cobblestone

[Bombsite A]
Made bombsite A courtyard smaller
Removed spiral stairs at back of bombsite A
Pushed forward side-balcony at bombsite A, making it easier to check corners before jumping down
Added a static door to entrance to connector from bombsite A
Shortened battlement in long A, making it easier to check
Raised wall around bombsite A slightly, to give some cover when out in the open
Added additional cover in bombsite A
Removed balcony at CT side of long A
Added an additional chest-height wall at A ramp
Removed large boulders in A site

[Bombsite B]
Made bombsite B courtyard smaller
Rerouted T main entrance to bombsite B
Made it easier to throw grenades into B site from a safe position as T
Added some cover on T platform in bombsite B
Moved bombsite B more to the middle of the courtyard
Flattened ground at bombsite B
Removed back of B area
Hut at back of B can now be shot through
Added a static door to entrance to bombsite B from connector

Removed stairs and overpass route from dropdown room
Widened upper dropdown passage
Added a ramp to dropdown to make it easier to peek into lower
Players can now jump up via flowerbed in connector to get into dropdown room
Removed walls in T tunnels
Removed CT sniper room
Added a static door to CT side of water room
Tweaked layout of water room slightly
Removed double window room near T spawn
Moved T spawns forward a bit
Added a direct ladder to T sniper tower
Various optimizations
Increased player visibility
Fixed a bug where very few chickens were spawned
16 Apr 2007
Positional sounds spatialize to within 15 inches of the player and no longer "spread" to stereo when nearby.
Seems interesting. And NicMik isnt that bot just to get data from servers you are running as it looks like it uses rcon to get everything.
20 Jan 2011
Got some pictures here folks. Crazy changes

Video of bomb site B - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUApJ3r-9Jk

At work so I watched this without sound, sorry if he says anything offensive or if there's wubwub music. New site looks very boxed in, would have been nice to be able to see the outside of the castle still in someway. Has anyone played it yet?

Can anyone explain to me the audio change they made and what it will do?

Edit : Found more screen shots - http://imgur.com/a/Ce9F9
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