I am torn between different career options, how do i decide what to do with my life?

8 May 2020

I have no idea if this is a good place to post this, but I've already tried another forum with no response...

I am a Psychology graduate trying to figure out what to do with my life. I have applied for some Clinical Psychology courses and some Counselling courses (MScs) and I really don't know what to do. Recently, I have also come across Speech and Language Therapy, and it really appeals to me. So far I have been building up experience within these sectors and I am enjoying it but also really keen to get back to studying so that I can progress with my career.

I have tried being a Research Assistant briefly and really enjoyed it but, since graduating, have not had any luck getting these kind of jobs because they are highly competitive. I was thinking that if I did a MSc in Clinical Psychology then this would increase my chances of getting a job like this, or maybe something like an Interventions Facilitator (would appreciate any advice on this if anyone knows more about this?) After this, I could maybe go on to do a PhD in Clinical Psychology and become a Psychologist, which would be cool but again, it's highly competitive!

Being a counsellor appeals to me too and for a while I really thought this was what I wanted to do, but I am worried because it's something I have never done before and I might not be any good at it! I am also concerned that maybe I would feel a bit too emotionally exhausted...Further options for becoming a counsellor would include doing a separate course outside of uni, so if I did want to do that I suppose I could at another time when I have the time and money etc etc., but I am not sure if I would want to do this and I would prefer the university setting (also found a nice uni and great-looking Counselling course there, but I know that shouldn't be a main factor for deciding!) I also just feel like I could gain lots of transferable skills through doing a course like this, so if I decided not to be a counsellor afterwards, it's not the end of the world?!

The final option which appeals to me is Speech and Language therapy. After gaining experience within SEN schools, I have found that I really like working with children with SEN and the job description of Speech and Language Therapist really appeals to me in general. However, I am also worried that I have never tried this before!

If anybody has any guidance I would greatly appreciate it! Given the current situation that the world is in, I probably won't be going to uni this year anyway like I thought I would, but this has given me a chance to think about things and what I want to do.

Thank you!
29 Jan 2008
Not personally but a friend of mine became one, she ended up doing a bunch of low paid or voluntary stuff building up a CV before landing an assistant psychologist position. I think some people get rather lucky, lots give up and some have a couple of years grind between graduating and landing a position - massive oversupply of psychology grads it seems.

AFAIK she didn't do a proper PhD - rather it's some sort of professional doctorate involving taught courses, professional training/work and research. I guess perhaps shares some similarities with say US med school/MD degree.

Incidentally other psychology grads I know ended up working in marketing, HR etc... (then again they're all women and perhaps drawn more to those areas anyway).

I guess you could always go and do an MSc in Educational Psychology and get hired by Dominic Cummings... bonus points if you're into stuff about race/IQ and eugenics! :D
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