Is it only me that finds this annoying?

Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
We've only got waitrose and very few chavs, so no. When I lived in da ghetto the sava centre car park was interesting at times. Pretty sure I did a lot worse as a kid than chatting with mates in car parks.



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England
The ones that I see certainly bother "SOME" people. .

Corrected. ;)
I like the sound of a car being opened up & it annoys me when I see a decent car or bike not throttling up.
The kids are legal & have to abide by the same road rules we do, if they break them then it's up to the cops to nick them.
The majority of the kids we have hanging around the car park are from Well off familys & are far from Chavs, They are the local rich kids if anything. Even the council kids that have cars at a Young age are the Savvy ones, The ones you have to worry about are the ones who haven't the sense to get together the money to hang around car parks in motors.
You Have to be legal to hang around town in a motor as the cops are on them All the time. ;)
18 Oct 2002
The hordes of chavs/youths who sit in the corner of the Tesco/Aldi car park in the evening for hours on end with the windows down talking to each other?

I honestly can't see the point in it, why not just go somewhere and have a beer and not sit in your cars trying to act cool in your P Reg Nissan Micra sport? :confused: :p
they can't go to the pub because their girlfriends are 15 and won't get served ;)

26 Oct 2004
Isle of Wight
Where I live, they generally gather around a Curry's car park, which has a perfect view of our only dual carriage way - perfect for observing a bit of late night street racing.

I head down there every now and then to speak to a few friends who haven't quite grown out of it yet, and most of the younger lads down there are decent lads - they don't drive like cocks or leave litter, nor are they chavs, they are just normal nippers who choose to meet up in their cars rather than going down the pub, getting slaughtered and having a fight or contracting aids.

Sure, you get the occasional cocks, no place or pastime is safe from them, but you need to remember that it isn't just limited to "boy racers".
18 Oct 2002
Can't smoke weed in a pub :)

Used to be part of the local rich kid crew or whatever you want to call it, fact is there is bugger all else to do, we were new to driving so we literally wanted to spend all of our spare time in or around our cars.

It was a laugh, we played football and various other things, I don't believe we caused anybody any harm physically or verbally.
Last edited:
7 Nov 2004
East of England
Corrected. ;)
I like the sound of a car being opened up

Yeah, nothing like the sound of a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 with bean tin exhaust.

The kids are legal & have to abide by the same road rules we do, if they break them then it's up to the cops to nick them.

Not if they are causing a disturbance. And why is everything up to the police?

The majority of the kids we have hanging around the car park are from Well off familys & are far from Chavs,

Not 'round here they aren't.
7 Nov 2004
East of England
At Tesco my Manager used to move them on until I said summit. Do you want them roaring around housing estates or hanging around local shops or do you want them in a reasonable place.

A) Why do they have to roar about anywhere in an urban area?
B) They can often be intimidating to people.
C) Often drive like moron's to show off.

Was you ever Young ???

I'm sure he was, but how does that excuse anything?

Also you say Go have a Beer, So you also encourage drink driving.

:confused: Did he say "go have a beer, then go for a drive"? No.

There's nothing wrong with car enthuiasts that meet up and like talking about their motors or w/e. However, when they are arrogant 17-19 year old males with shopping trolley cars, their mates egging them on whilst being totally inexperienced - how is this not going to be a danger to the public?

THESE are the type of people that the public think of as soon as they hear "car enthusiasts" - which is totally not true. They are teenage boys with loud exhausts and something to prove.
21 Jul 2008
Majority of them do look like throbbers, but as long as they're not harming anyone (more particularly; me) it's nothing for me to get in a huff about, so I just let them get on with it.
14 Jan 2009
It's either bookers or matalan round here. For the chavs.

Usually if we're going to do something carwise these some brilliant strips of flat road to batter it down up by lyneham. It's military land but no one seems to care, it's a fun drag strip.
Usually we do it if we've got loads of fuel but no money, it's something to do.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
:mad: People like you (OP) annoy me more.
The kids are Legal & out the way not bothering nobody with there tunes or chat & still you have to Moan whinge & cause them trouble. :mad:

At Tesco my Manager used to move them on until I said summit. Do you want them roaring around housing estates or hanging around local shops or do you want them in a reasonable place.
Was you ever Young ???

Also you say Go have a Beer, So you also encourage drink driving.

Oh dear, touched a nerve here did I?

My point is that they do tend to cause various problems, as people have pointed out, speeding, driving badly, having "phat" exhausts and flooring it through town centres.

Firstly, I am not saying ALL people who hang around in car parks are like this, but they are bound to get tarred with the same brush as the ones that do cause problems.

Secondly, I do not find them to be scumbags, I'm also not highly objectionable to them either, I just said I found it a bit pointless, but I do have a problem with the way that some of them drive.

Yes, I am quite young, and since myself and my friends learnt to drive we haven't understood the people that do this, and knowing some of them, know that they are the kind of people you don't want throwing a ton of steel around you or your family on the roads :)

Again, I am not saying that all people are like this at all, and I also do not advocate drink driving, what a stupid thing to say.

I'd like to apologise also if I offended anybody, that is not my intention, if you or your friends do this and don't drive recklessly, then I do not have any kind of problem with you at all, you are free to do as you choose. Whether that be letting your friends smoke weed in your car, or bang on the backseat (a-la another thread :p) that is entirely up to you.
4 Aug 2004
In a wheelie bin
The hordes of chavs/youths who sit in the corner of the Tesco/Aldi car park in the evening for hours on end with the windows down talking to each other?

I honestly can't see the point in it, why not just go somewhere and have a beer and not sit in your cars trying to act cool in your P Reg Nissan Micra sport? :confused: :p

To top it off, they leave their rubbish all over the carpark when they leave, then proceed to floor it out of the car park doing about 40.

Anyone else think this is a bit daft, and pointless? Why do people do it :p

Fixed :D
25 Oct 2006
There was a gang of kids on hairdryers and a few bikes at my local Tesco a few weeks ago. They were tearing through the car park, over speedbumps etc. When they left they all crossed the roundabout in the direction of the dodgy area of town, followed by a traffic police car 2 minutes later.
4 Jan 2004
The hordes of chavs/youths who sit in the corner of the Tesco/Aldi car park in the evening for hours on end with the windows down talking to each other?

I honestly can't see the point in it, why not just go somewhere and have a beer and not sit in your cars trying to act cool in your P Reg Nissan Micra sport? :confused: :p

To top it off, when they leave, the proceed to floor it out of the car park doing about 40.

Anyone else think this is a bit daft, and pointless? Why do people do it :p
No more daft and pointless than watching mindless crap on tv, it's nice weather right now, i'd rather be out than in! :cool:
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