Looking for some books for for Uni.

22 Apr 2014
Cornwall, UK
Hey guys starting a foundation degree in September, looking for some books in programming and networking like cisco, my degree is called

FdSc Computing, Networking and Software Development, I start on C using Borland (I think)

I am eyeing up: The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)

I already own: CCNA Routing and Switching Portable Command Guide (ICND1 100-105, ICND2 200-105, and CCNA 200-125)

All and any advice would be much greatly received. Thanks in advance.
22 Apr 2014
Cornwall, UK
Definitely C, rather than C++?

Hey, thank you for the reply, all I know is back when I started the first year September of 2019 before I suspended my studies to be being readmitted to longreach mental health unit I started on C using an old compiler called Borland. It's from the late 90s. What a way to use 8.6K of student fees Plymouth University and Cornwall College lol.

Please see below for the modules for both years :)

Year 1
Core modules
Networked Communications Technologies
Introduction To The Programme and Work Based Learning
Databases and Information Systems
Human Computer Interaction with Emerging Technologies
Website Development
Introduction to Programming and Software Engineering
Final year
Core modules
Object Orientated Programming
Systems Analysis Design and Implementation
IT Management and Security
Planning and Managing Projects for E- Business Technologies
Optional modules
Local and Wide Area Networks
Visual and Dynamic Programming
20 Dec 2004
Well, there's value in starting in something like C :) I would ask what language the Object Oriented Programming module is going to be in, I suspect Java, but may be C++.

Tbh given the course and the breadth of it, I can't imagine you're going to be going into too much detail. Reading the heavyweight language reference manuals isn't going to do you any harm at all though!
29 Jan 2008
Could be worth looking at the uni/course web pages, look up the modules you’re due to take. There should be official reading lists somewhere, either a general resource elsewhere where you can look up the module code or some books mentioned on module pages etc...

Best to start there and then perhaps ask for recommendations for additional material.
20 Oct 2002
For C -

C Programming For The Absolute Beginner - Greg Perry

This is a quick and fast intro to C, this is what new C programmers are recommended to start with in Harvard.

C Primer Plus - Stephen Prata

A good beginner book but much more in depth and I like that it has exercises at the end of each chapter.

Networking -

David Bombal courses on Udemy, they are great value for the money.
23 Feb 2009
South Wirral
The Borland toolset is something like 25 years old. In its heyday (early 90's) it was the "go to" IDE on MS-DOS for building C code but Microsoft kept upping their game and crushed them in the marketplace with Visual C. If Borland is really what they're plugging, it sounds like they've not updated their course materials in a very long time. That being said, development environments change all the time. Focus on learning the techniques, not the tools.

Being a poor student, I suspect free would be preferred, so try the classic "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Progams" available at https://web.mit.edu/alexmv/6.037/sicp.pdf
22 Apr 2014
Cornwall, UK
Hey thank you all for the awesome replies.

Ill definitely look up those books @Chaos thank you.

Also thanks @dowie I will do once I've got access to my university portal next month.

@peterwalkley yeah it is old. I know from last year using Borland it was old, on my PC now and my old laptop I had codeblocks with mingGW compiler, I think it's only half of the first year I use C then move strain to cpp then java end of 1st year and 2nd year. Not sure what else we learn in the second year, but I want to get the CCNA out the way before I worry about 2nd year,

Kinda spot on with free, but I'm a mature student and homeowner, basically switching careers, head chef to programmer/systems administrator lol

Again I really appreciate all the feedback and information, anymore please don't forget about me and this post I really want to finish this degree.

Kind regards al
29 Jan 2008
Also thanks @dowie I will do once I've got access to my university portal next month.

If you have a search around you might find some of the individual module details (or even notes in some cases) on publicly available uni websites... esepcially if you know the module titles or codes and/or lecturers names - an intelligent search could reveal things like slides or reading lists etc.. or even homework/assignments if you wanted a head start (realistically they don't tend to want to change to much year to year). Spending time on the specific sylabus you'd be working from could be more efficient here.

Having said that - perhaps the intro to computer science courses found here would be useful as general background material anyway:

Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
If you want to do the actual CCNA certification exam, then unfortunately you have outdated material. The CCNA changed drastically at the beginning of this year, it's now a single exam that covers the multiple previously separated CCNA domains of routing and switching, security, voice, wireless, etc. Due to this a portion of of the material in the books you have won't be relevant, and lots will be missing, so it will make studying against the exam objectives (really the only proper way to do it) impossible.
18 May 2010
I know you didn't ask for any advice but I'll give it anyway. (Because I wish I could go back in time and study computing at Uni)

I work in IT and have now been for about 12 years. However about 8 of them I spent wasting my time in a first line support role which as the years went by was getting more and more simple rather than more and more technical.

I then moved on and am now a Systems Engineer working with Linux, AWS etc...

If there is one piece of advice I would give to my younger self that would be work hard as early as you can. Study like a crazy man. Soak up as my info as you can and practice practice practice.

IT is a mixture of experience, knowledge and practice.

When you do get a job don't do what I did and get comfortable in a role which isn't contributing to your career.

At this point I wouldn't fixate on any one technology or language. Far to early for that. Do your course and see how things go once you do get a job.
22 Apr 2014
Cornwall, UK
I know you didn't ask for any advice but I'll give it anyway. (Because I wish I could go back in time and study computing at Uni)

I work in IT and have now been for about 12 years. However about 8 of them I spent wasting my time in a first line support role which as the years went by was getting more and more simple rather than more and more technical.

I then moved on and am now a Systems Engineer working with Linux, AWS etc...

If there is one piece of advice I would give to my younger self that would be work hard as early as you can. Study like a crazy man. Soak up as my info as you can and practice practice practice.

IT is a mixture of experience, knowledge and practice.

When you do get a job don't do what I did and get comfortable in a role which isn't contributing to your career.

At this point I wouldn't fixate on any one technology or language. Far to early for that. Do your course and see how things go once you do get a job.

I do appreciate the advice, like a lot! Thank you.

Thing is when you say younger self, I'm 34 lol! I've been a Career Chef for about 18 years, the last 8 years was 5 years as a sous (second) chef and 3 years as a head chef, many qualifications in regards to professional cookery,

The reason why I had chosen IT is that as a teen I taught myself how to build PC's back in the acrylic case, DDR RAM and Athlon days when you could mix-match RAM and just about get away with it, taught myself how they work and what bit of hardware does what-ish, well enough for it to work lol, and I'm interested in the field if I'm honest, I've got kids so had enough of not being paid overtime, having to cover my team who would let me down a lot, a minimum of 12 hours working every evening and weekends etc. Like Cornwall where I live and am from, a head chef P/A salary is about 26k to 30k a year with all that stress, plus paperwork, delegating constant fights with the front of house team.

My plan is to get a job that even pays less, if I must, just want overtime paid and hardly and weekends and evenings, I've split from my daughters mum so I have the girls every weekend.

My struggle with going back to education is memory, remembering it lol, can't teach an old dog new tricks so they say lol
18 May 2010
I do appreciate the advice, like a lot! Thank you.

Thing is when you say younger self, I'm 34 lol! I've been a Career Chef for about 18 years, the last 8 years was 5 years as a sous (second) chef and 3 years as a head chef, many qualifications in regards to professional cookery,

The reason why I had chosen IT is that as a teen I taught myself how to build PC's back in the acrylic case, DDR RAM and Athlon days when you could mix-match RAM and just about get away with it, taught myself how they work and what bit of hardware does what-ish, well enough for it to work lol, and I'm interested in the field if I'm honest, I've got kids so had enough of not being paid overtime, having to cover my team who would let me down a lot, a minimum of 12 hours working every evening and weekends etc. Like Cornwall where I live and am from, a head chef P/A salary is about 26k to 30k a year with all that stress, plus paperwork, delegating constant fights with the front of house team.

My plan is to get a job that even pays less, if I must, just want overtime paid and hardly and weekends and evenings, I've split from my daughters mum so I have the girls every weekend.

My struggle with going back to education is memory, remembering it lol, can't teach an old dog new tricks so they say lol

Yea, sorry I assumed with going back to Uni you was like 18 or something....

Well then your in the same boat as me. As I've said to other people to succeed in this this needs to be a hobby. You need to live and breathe it day in day out.

This is not a job but a hobby.

Have you though of just doing plain Computer Science?
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21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Hmm, Im 42 and if I was even a youngster would tell myself you don't need the degree to get the career you want. Absolutely learn Computer Science, its a good core skillset although some of it is a bit wishy washy and not used in real world so much.

All of your transferable skills are great and you dont need to learn them. Hard working, efficient, standards etc will apply here and more.

What do you want to do and also look into what is locally available, i.e. check out the companies near you and see what skills they are after?

If you want more advice you ask here its free and from real people.
18 May 2010
Hmm, Im 42 and if I was even a youngster would tell myself you don't need the degree to get the career you want. Absolutely learn Computer Science, its a good core skillset although some of it is a bit wishy washy and not used in real world so much.

All of your transferable skills are great and you dont need to learn them. Hard working, efficient, standards etc will apply here and more.

What do you want to do and also look into what is locally available, i.e. check out the companies near you and see what skills they are after?

If you want more advice you ask here its free and from real people.

I agree. You don't need a degree for IT. But when you're young, it's just the norm to go to Uni and get your degree. It's just another tick on a CV.

Anyway I think we are going off topic here. The OP wasn't asking for 'should I go to uni' but what books if any should I read.

I tell the OP, loads of courses on Udemy. Pick one and practice practice practice.

Write code, break it, fix it, repeat.
29 Jan 2008
Hmm, Im 42 and if I was even a youngster would tell myself you don't need the degree to get the career you want.

Depends on the career you want tbh... often it can be much easier with a degree, better chance of opening doors and plenty of time wasted without one. In some cases almost no chance without a degree or indeed post grad degree on top too.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
If you want to excel in the programming then that is a good tip. Online courses are cheap and there are lots of free ones out there once you dig in.

I hated programming as I had not done any before I was at university. It also helps if your tutors are talented or can get the best our of you. I did however enjoy the architecture modules, networking, security etc where I was more naturally comfortable.

As he is starting his course soon it is on-topic discussing his choices and offer advice.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Depends on the career you want tbh... often it can be much easier with a degree, better chance of opening doors and plenty of time wasted without one. In some cases almost no chance without a degree or indeed post grad degree on top too.

Maybe you misinterpreted the post?

What do you want to do and also look into what is locally available, i.e. check out the companies near you and see what skills they are after?

If you see "must have a degree" and you want that type of work then maybe no shortcuts its something to perhaps cover in your own way.
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