Samsung B2710 speaker problem

9 Dec 2019
Hi, one of my relatives has a Samsung B2710 and there seems to be some issues with the speaker. Firstly, when receiving a call, the ring tone plays, but it is insanely quiet. You can only hear it if you put the phone right next to your ear. The other thing is that when I try to activate loudspeaker during a phone call, it doesn't activate, it says LDSPK ON or something but it doesn't get any louder at all. I can hear the person on the other end perfectly fine, it's just that said relative has terrible hearing and prefers to use loudspeaker. To re-iterate, the actual conversation is louder than the ringtone and loudspeaker doesn't work. I have looked online and have seen people in similar situations saying it is a problem with the backup battery acid. I have no clue at all what this means or how it can be resolved as I am nor very familiar with mobile phones. I'm not really sure what to do. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks for reading.
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