Things wrong in UK - whoever stands up - I will follow.

4 Nov 2008
Earth :-)
1. Knife crime : this is becoming like a bad nightmare. Arrest and prison.
Knife crime is nowhere near as bad as the press make out. The biggest danger to young peoples' lives in the UK is themselves (suicide) murder rates in the UK are low compared to many developed countries (e.g. US)
2. No early parole : you do your time.
What is the incentive to behave well in prisons then? They would descend into chaos. If it is agreed that a person is safe to integrate into society and has showed remorse why should they continue to be a burden on the tax payer when they could be working (under supervision) and paying taxes.
3. Transport : what is wrong with these? Disband unions - fine trains that are delayed.
Unions are a hangover from a long time ago and are something that we cannot just remove overnight, however I agree. Why should we fine late trains... The money the operators spend on fines could be better spent on improving the network, also many problems are not caused by the operators e.g. weather or security alerts.

4. Child care : Why penalize us and pay it to the poor? We aren't rich either.
5. Finance : stop borrowing or uk will go bankrupt. Cuts have to happen.
if we don't borrow the UK will go bancrupt, borrowing is a normal part of any countries' economy. We need to borrow money in the bad times in order to stay in a good position for the bad times.

6. Youth asbos : they got trackers so track them. Moment they breach, they go to jail.
jail is expensive and doesn't solve the problem, a better approach
7. Benefits cut for long term unemployed if they fail to look for jobs.
8. police to spend more time catching burglers, rapers, thieves rather than fine motorists.
9. Stop blaming people for mistakes. banks messed up, but how many bankers in a bank actually get big bonuses? This is nothing different from filmstars, singers, company directors, oil&gas companies.
10. stop political correctness. Abolish laws to protect children. Make that law forefeit the moment the children commit serious crime.
agree to a certain extent, most political correctness is over the top but religious and cultural tolerance is important.
11. If thieves are in your house, you are legally allowed to apprehend them in any way possible.
agree that you should be able to detain them or knock them out, but outright being able to kill them is not right. Having the homeowner as the judge, jury and executioner is not right and is not a punisment that fits the crime.
12. Nationalize public services. Thats what its for, not to make money out of us who already pay lots and lots tax.
agree with things like transport, but competition is important and difficult to achieve with a government monopoly, an independant regulator would be an important part of this.

Basically what i'm trying to say is that yes the UK has problems, but nothing the many/most other countries don't have, and usually worse than us.
The grass is not always greener on the other side, and we have a much better quiality of life than we did even 20 years ago. :)
where i come from knife crime is high....
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