Turbo MX5

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
Freefaller was kind enough to drop by yesterday afternoon to show me his Q car MX5.
The only giveaway that it's not standard is the intercooler, which can be spotted within the front grill, and that's probably only noticeable if you know what to look for. Even the interior is unchanged. Personally I like the understated look (big wings are NOT my thing), so thumbs up for that.
Have to say that the installation looks VERY tidy, plenty of well laid in pipes and bits, with lots of airflow around them.

On the road, it's actually slightly quieter off throttle than a standard one (a good thing in my opinion), but when you gun it, has a very distinctive roar to it, that is pretty captivating, and the straightline urge is stonking (bear in mind the car weighs around 1070kg, and is around 300kg lighter than say a Golf GTi).
Worth the money? Now that's a big one.
Strikes me that you could buy a different car with the extra expenditure.
I've been in an S2000, and think that I'd actually prefer the turbo MX5. The fact that you don't need to run it into oblivion to get some action would sway it for me, along with the fact that the MX is still cheaper, and probably 200kg lighter. The only other competition would be something like a Chimera, which is the same weight, and has 220-280hp depending upon version. Having said that, it also has much worse fuel economy, and is not likely to be quite as reliable (though as it uses the Rover v8, is going to be miles better than most TVRs).
The other option is to go on holiday a lot with the dosh. I'm not sure I'd really make use of the extra straightline performance that much, so it's a close call.

Either way, was great meeting up with Will and chatting about stuff from cars, the forums, stereo kit to options on Chinese girls. Look forward to meeting him again at the RR day.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
You know you want to do it! :D It's only 1 years worth of holidays, and you can sell some of your "generic cd players" (;)) to cover the cost if needs be :p

Was good to catch up - I can positively state that when putting the foot to the floor all I could see was - :D

There's still a little bit of tweaking to do to flush out the little flat spots, and I need to get a grille for the front (the one I got didn't fit) to protect the IC and also to help "hide" it a little...

Thanks for your kind comments - the induction roar is quite addictive, oh and that bar/restaurant was cool!
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I'm not sure how many supercharged MX5s there are over here, I think going the turbo route is more popular though. Personally I prefer the driving style of a turbo :)

I reckon I've got around 190 - well that's my hope, I'll find out when I go to the RR day! ;)
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
Freefaller said:
Was good to catch up - I can positively state that when putting the foot to the floor all I could see was - :D

I think that I can honestly state that the last time I grinned so much, was whilst being driven in a tweaked Griffith 500, so yes, I was quite impressed.
Hmm, maybe I should think a bit more about this. I guess the easy solution would be to find one that has already been done. Maybe I should keep an eye on Autotrader.

Jonny. There's a Jackson Racing (JRSC) version on autotrader right now for what I think is a good price, and I'm seriously tempted after the drive in Wills. The impression I get from reading around the subject is that the best installations are from Flying Miata (FM). FM supply either a turbo or a supercharger, both at similar cost and performance. The differences will be on the style of power delivery. Personally, I'd rather have the turbo.
The JRSC used to be one of the best options, but runs with a smaller supercharger and is limited to around 180hp (about 40hp up on a standard car). There are other/cheaper options available, but everytime I read about them, the user often has issues with fueling and reliability. Bearing in mind the potential for destroying an engine, I'd rather spend the extra for an FM.
2 Jun 2003
Mic said:
Id still rather a supercharged S2000 :o

That would be like double the price though. :p

Damn im going to have to see this beast Will. :cool: Even better when you get the grill, no one will be able to tell its a turbo, just the way i like it.
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