War films that a 7 year old can watch.

8 Jul 2014
I remember watching war films and films such as Grand Prix (1966) and Ben Hurr (1959). I watched in awe as a kid. Looking back they were pretty gristly.

War films from the sixties and seventies, kind of like the A-Team, the violence was high but no gore. Whereas war films of the 80's (Platoon, Hamburger Hill, Casualties of War) and 90's (Saving Private Ryan) started to take on a whole new level of realism and introduce a rather more realistic view of war?

My own recollections as a nipper:

The Bridge at Remagen
The Bridge too Far
Where Eagles Dare (just epic)
The Blue Max
Battle of Britain (although the burning scene I would watch with caution)

The Eagle has Landed - the film is awful; whereas the book is awesome.
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