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Wow, Nvidia have banned Hardware Unboxed from receiving review samples...

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
I didn't really care about this at all. All of these reviewers can be fairly petty at times. It was clumsy by Nvidea, but... meh.
29 May 2005
Short memories here. Remember when AMD did the same before the Fury Nano launch? They Banned certain sites from getting review samples because they weren't following AMD's review guidelines. AMD said that the Reviews had to be Fair. I think HardOCP and TechPowerUP were two sites that were banned.
This is not a thread about what AMD did. It is a thread about what Nvidia is doing. If you want to start another one about what AMD did feel free.
21 Jan 2016
So, Nvidia finally realised how badly they had ****** up, and walked it back. Too late though, they've shown their true colours.

No, that can't be the case... I have it on good authority from Wrinkly that they didn't mess up in the first place, so what do they have to apologise for.
21 Jan 2016
No it is relevant and is free to be discussed here. You do not make these decisions.

It is however whataboutism at its finest. Pointing to the other guy and saying they do stupid stuff too is merely an attempt to deflect from what is actually being discussed... Watch any social media post about "Russia/China/Tin Pot dictatorship XYZ has done "outrageous thing" and you'll see a flood of trolls posting "yeah but what about when the US did this completely unrelated but also despicable thing." It's become a staple of trolls around the world.

I really wish people would stop thinking either company is their friend, but that seems impossible.
20 Nov 2020
I wanted to buy a new card but after reading this topic i changed my mind. Nvidia is bad, AMD did the same tricks in the past...
I'll try to find an old Matrox Millenium to play my games.
I have also found this old video about Nvidia.

Yes I have it on good authority everyone who said they hated Nvidia yesterday is now going out and buying 5 Ampere cards each
I won't, i will stick with AMD since i have the Stockholm syndrome and i like to fight for every frame i can get. :)
20 Feb 2006
What is your point? That AMD is equally worse, so what do you conclude. We get shafted all the same.

useless contribution as always. @Stanners

What is useless about telling you to stop stifling debate and discussion. Both are corporate companies that make corporate decisions. Maybe I am lucky that I have no interest in one over the other, NVidia did a scummy move and got called out rightly so. If you can not post without making it personal then maybe you need to step away.
20 Feb 2006
It is however whataboutism at its finest. Pointing to the other guy and saying they do stupid stuff too is merely an attempt to deflect from what is actually being discussed... Watch any social media post about "Russia/China/Tin Pot dictatorship XYZ has done "outrageous thing" and you'll see a flood of trolls posting "yeah but what about when the US did this completely unrelated but also despicable thing." It's become a staple of trolls around the world.

I really wish people would stop thinking either company is their friend, but that seems impossible.

Oh I agree with you but I am all for the free discussion and debate on the whole subject.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
What is your point? That AMD is equally worse, so what do you conclude. We get shafted all the same.

useless contribution as always. @Stanners
Mate, big corporations are out for our funds, neither NVidia or AMD is your friend and I like to think we buy hardware because we are enthusiasts. I feel the move from NVidia was petty and has back fired on them (rightly so) but as consumers, should we cut our nose off to spite our face? Should we stop shopping at Morrisons, Tesco, Amazon etc etc because of the scummy moves they make and the way the staff are treated?

Chill bud and enjoy a discussion for what it is.
19 Dec 2010
This is not a thread about what AMD did. It is a thread about what Nvidia is doing. If you want to start another one about what AMD did feel free.

It's totally relevant. People in this thread were saying that they only buy AMD because they have never done anything like this. But, AMD has and not that long ago. I was just pointing that out.

You know what's probably going to happen? Is that Nvidia is probably going to issue an apology because this was a mistake, somebody messed up. And just like Roy Taylor was moved on(fired) shortly after banning a few tech sites from getting a Nano card for review, somebody from Nvidia's Marketing department will probably be sacked.

Because this was stupid by whoever sent that email. There was no reason for Nvidia to do this, none at all. There was no good outcome for Nvidia from this.

This was one of the best things that has ever happened to Hardware Unboxed. They will get loads more subscriptions, the number of clicks will go through the roof. Other You Tubers know this and have been jumping on the Bandwagon. This is the hottest story in town, clicks gone through the roof, let the goods time roll. Heck, this is the nicest thing that Nvidia has ever done, the best Christmas present ever for the Youtube gang.

No it is relevant and is free to be discussed here. You do not make these decisions.

Thanks, and yes, of course it's relevant. Some other poster hit the nail on the head earlier in this thread. Both companies have scummy marketing departments.
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